How to create an AI model for ambaCV5X

Table of contents


We will explain the differences between the AI model conversion tools for ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X.


Differences in environment construction

Run CV Tool

Start the container.

$ sudo docker start [container name]

Log in to the container.

$ sudo docker exec -it -u cvtool [container name] /bin/bash

If you need a password, please use "cv".


Set the environment (inside the container).

  • For ambaCV2X camera

$ cd /home/cvtool $ source
  • For ambaCV5X camera


Differences between Caffe/Tensorflow/ONNX (PyTorch)


The model after conversion is output to the following directory.

  • For ambaCV2X camera


  • For ambaCV5X camera

${OUTPUT_DIR}/${NET_NAME}_ambaCV5X/${PARSER_OPTION}/[model name]

This applies to all Caffe, Tensorflow, ONNX (PyTorch).