AI model convert tool: ONNX(PyTorch)


Please refer here for the environment construction procedure.


Convert sample models


Move directory.

$ cd /home/cvtool/conversion/onnx/mobilenetv2

Convert the model.

$ ./ setting.conf

yolov5 / yolov8

Download sample model.

(yolov5) $ cd /home/cvtool/conversion/onnx/yolov5 $ ./ (yolov8) $ cd /home/cvtool/conversion/onnx/yolov8 $ ./

Convert the model.


The model after conversion is output to the following directory.

  • For ambaCV2X camera


  • For ambaCV5X camera

${OUTPUT_DIR}/${NET_NAME}_ambaCV5X/${PARSER_OPTION}/[model name]



Pytorch model needs to be converted to ONNX in advance.

  1. Copy either directory under /home/cvtool/conversion/onnx.

  1. Change the parameter of "setting.conf" according to the model to be converted.

  2. Convert the model.



From v1.20, parameter "CAVALRY_VER" is removed that existed in setting.conf until v1.19.
If you use setting.conf from v1.19 or earlier, please remove "CAVALRY_VER" from it.

  • NET_NAME: The name of network

    • Any name can be set.

  • MODEL_DIR: Path to directory which includes .onnx files

    • All .onnx files under the directory are converted.

  • IMAGE_DIR: Path to directory which includes image files for optimizing quantization

    • Please put the directory image files for training. Recommended number of image files is 100 to 200.

    • Image file format should be the format that are supported by OpenCV (Ex. JPEG, PNG and etc…).

    • Any resolution is supported.

  • OUTPUT_DIR: Path to directory which converted data in placed.

  • PARSER_OPTION: Quantization mode

    • Select from FIX8/FIX16/MIX (FIX8/FIX16 mixed).

  • IN_DATA_CHANNEL: Number of input image channel for target model

  • N_DATA_WIDTH: Width of input image for target model

  • IN_DATA_HEIGHT: Height of input image for target model

  • IN_MEAN: Normalization parameter (mean) of input image

    • Please refrain from using space between “,” as shown below if using numerical value.

  • IN_SCALE: Normalization parameter (scale) of input image

    • Please refrain from using space between “,” and only use “,” to separate values when setting different values for each channel.

  • IS_BGR: Format of input image (RGB or BGR)

  • OUT_LAYER: The name of output layer for target network

    • If two or more layers exists, separate layers by “,”.

    • When the following symbols are contained in the name of input/output node, conversion may not be successful.
      : | ; , ‘

  • PRIORBOX_NODE: Node equivalent to “priorbox”

    • Need to set when IS_SSD=1

  • PREPRO: Path of preprocessing script (python script)

    • Refer to “/home/cvtool/ common/” for how to create a script

  • PREPRO_ARG: Argument of preprocessing script (python script)

  • IN_DATA_FILEFORMAT: Input data format

    • Examples : uint8->0,0,0,0, float32->1,2,0,7, float16->1,1,0,4

    • When the value of IN_DATA_FILEFORMAT changes from “0,0,0,0”, setting PREPRO is needed.

  • IN_DATA_TRANSPOSE: Specify when performing TRANSPOSE on the input data


If conversion error occurs

Modifying the model by included in cvtool may resolve the problem.
Please refer here for details about

  • The model includes unsupported node by cvtool
    Run the following command.

    Please refer here for the list of supported node.

    You can check if the model includes unsupported node, by using in cvtool.


  • Input of the model has variable value


    Replace with fixed value by the following command.


  • Input shape of the model is NHWC, and transposed to NCHW first


    Separate from the beginning of the model to “Tranpose” node.


  • Unsupported character ( : | ; , ‘ ) is included in OUT_LAYER
    Rename the node by the following command.

    If multiple nodes are specified, please separate those by ",".


  • The model has nodes of rank > 4
    Conversion may not be possible due to SoC constraints.

    You can check if the model has such nodes, by using The following message will be output when the nodes are found.

    Please modify the model in one of the following ways.
    ・Modify the nodes before exporting to onnx.
    ・Separate the back of the node from the model.

    ・Replace the node with that of rank <= 4.

    ※If you wish to use “ReplaceSubgraph”, please contact us.

Althogh the node of rank=4, conversion may not be possible when the number of elements in the first dimension of the node is not 1. Please take the same action as in case of rank > 4.