Installation and Administration

The installation process will install the following items:

  • IP Server

  • VI MonitorPlus

  • SQL Server Express

  • ASP .NET Framework

  • Web Client

The Administrator can select and deselect the software components based on the requirements of the system, including the SQL Database location and credentials.

Video Insight Client Applications connect directly to the IP Server, not to the cameras or the database, requiring the Administrator to forward only three TCP ports for remote access by default.

The Client Applications can be used to view live and recorded video from a single or multiple IP Servers.

  • IIS, .NET Framework 4.5, and SQL Server Express are all registered trademarks of Microsoft corp.

  • IIS and .NET Framework are installed through the Microsoft Operating system on which they are provided.

  • Not all Microsoft Operating systems offer IIS capabilities, and some older systems are limited in their functional use.

  • It may be necessary to upgrade the operating system completely or install a brand-new operating system entirely if there are any issues during the installation process.

See also: