IP Server Installation

Follow the steps below to install IP Enterprise Server, including IP Server, VI MonitorPlus, Web Client and, optionally, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express.

Visit DownloadVI.com and download the Suite Installer version for your platform (32-bit or 64-bit).

By default, the Setup_x64.exe installer for IP Server Enterprise places files into the C:\Program Files\VI Enterprise folder location and the Setup_x86.exe installer places into the C:\Program Files(x86)\VI Enterprise folder location.

It is not possible to use a 64-bit installer to install into a 32-bit Operating System.

In instances where it may be necessary to know where packages are installed, they can be found in the local directory: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations.

Launch the executable installer as Administrator, then the Welcome window will be displayed.

Click Next to continue.

Click Cancel to exit the process.

Select “I accept…” to agree to the terms, then click Next to continue.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the process.

In the Features Selection list:

Check the SQL Server 2012 Express box if you do not have a running instance of SQL Server on the destination machine, OR

…keep the SQL Server 2012 Express box unchecked if you already have a running instance of SQL Server on the destination machine.

Attempting to re-install SQL Server on a machine with a preexisting instance will show an error message. Do not check the SQL Server box if it is already present in your system.

Select the other available features by checking their corresponding boxes.

Click Next to continue.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the process.

The default credentials for the SQL installation can be changed according to each specific configuration.

Click Test Connection to validate the correct SQL configuration.

Click Next to continue.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the process.

If SQL Server is hosted on another server, the SQL Server field can be modified to match that server’s IP address or DNS hostname.

Select the Start Menu location to create the program’s shortcuts.

Click Next to continue.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the process.

Select the Install Location where the IP Enterprise Server suite will be installed.

Click Change ato manually browse and select a new destination in your hard drive.

Click Next to continue.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the process.

Once all steps have been completed, click Install to start the installation process.

During this phase, a series of informational screens will appear to inform that the installation process is underway.

After IP Server has installed itself, the Initialization Window will appear.

Click Back to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit.

See Next: