Unable to receive the UDP log with UDPLogReceiver

Unable to receive the UDP log with UDPLogReceiver

Updated:Nov 2, 2021


Unable to receive the UDP log with UDPLogReceiver.


Please check the following case.


  1. Extension software is stopped
    Check if the feature extension software is running with ADAM OPERATION UI.

  2. The UDP Log Receiving is not running
    Run the UDP Log receiving Server.
    For details, refer to " UDPLog receiving server" in "AdamAppDevelopmentManualForIpro_Vx_xx.pdf".

  3. No permission to run the program
    Execute the following command, and then execute it again.

    $ chmod +x UDPLogRecvSrv $ sudo sh startup.sh
  4. The receiving port (514) is not open
    UDP log s are received on port 514 by default.
    Check port 514, and open it.

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