Fail to install extension software by ADAM OPERATION UI

Fail to install extension software by ADAM OPERATION UI


Updated:Oct 7, 2021


Get an error message that says “*** Invalid Application Package ***”, and fail to install when extension software is installed by ADAM OPERATION UI.



  1. Upload the file in “.ext” format.
    Need to use the file in “.zip” format when upload by ADAM OPERATION UI.

  2. Not build extension software by developer license key.
    Extension software before encryption need to be built by developer license key
    which issued by the camera’s Mac address for the installation.

    Please build the extension software after store the developer license key into your SDK/conf folder.

    Please contact us to request developer license key.

  3. Correct developer license key is not used for your i-PRO camera
    Please make sure developer license key is already issued for your i-PRO camera
    Please contact hereこちら if you have any questions regarding license key.

    If you have some cameras for the development, please inform us of their MAC address to issue their developer license keys.

  4. The application is using same Function ID has been already installed in the camera.
    Application cannot be installed in the camera already install the application using same Function ID.
    If there several applications under development, need to assign different Function ID to each application,
    or install only one application.

  5. The parameter of “Makefile” and “configuration.txt” is different.
    Please make sure the parameter of ”PROG_NAME” in Makefile, and the parameter of APPLICATION” in configuration.txt is same.


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