Logging In

Open VI MonitorPlus by double-clicking the corresponding desktop icon for the application:

The Login window will be displayed (see below).





User Name

User Identification for IP Server account.

Use Windows Account

Enable/Disable use of Windows account to log in.


Password for IP Server account.

Connection Type

Drop-down list with three options:

  • Primary Server: access the Main Server on a single connection.

  • Multiple Servers: simultaneously access a List of Servers after a single login.

  • Use Configuration File: load login parameters from an external file.

VI MonitorPlus' Login Interface automatically changes its layout according to the selected Connection Type; the above image shows the interface for Primary Server.

See below for more information on all three Connection Types and their respective fields and options.

Server Name

Name of the Server.

Host or Address

IP Address of the Server.


Port of the Server.

User Name, Password and Use Windows Account

The left side of the Login Interface shows the basic fields for accessing the server(s).

By default, the User Name and Password for the main IP Server account is used.

When checking the Use Windows Account box, the user will be asked to enter the corresponding Windows-based credentials, overriding IP Server’s account.

Connection Type: Primary Server

When Primary Server connection is selected, VI MonitorPlus will only display the primary server name on the Server Name box, with the ability of modifying both the Host or Address and the Port fields values.

Connection Type: Multiple Servers

The Multiple Servers option allows to connect to more than one IP Server instance using only one login account.

The interface shows a list of available servers, with the possibility to select or deselect them individually as needed.

Selecting Servers from the List

Select/Deselect servers individually by clicking on the corresponding check boxes.

When the Server List is highly populated, the Scroll Bar on the right can be used to find specific servers within the list.

Use the Arrow buttons on the right to reposition the selected server across the list (Up/Down).

Select/Deselect all servers by clicking on the top check box, besides the Server Name title.

Adding a New Server to the List

Click on the plus icon [+] (see right).

A new blank row (in blue) will be displayed on the Servers List, and a pop-up window with the data entry for the new server will open next to the [+] button. Here, enter the IP Address or Name and the Port Number of the IP Server to connect to.

Click Update to add the new server or Cancel to exit the operation.

Optionally, click Test to confirm the connectivity. If successful, the Status field will display the new server’s name.

If the server cannot be found, an error message will be displayed on the corresponding row.

Modifying a Server

Select the row for the server to be modified and click on the pencil icon (see right) to open the pop-up form containing its data.

Edit the information where needed and click Update to save the changes or Cancel to close the window and exit.

Optionally, click Test to validate the connection with the server before updating.

Deleting a Server

Select the row for the server to be deleted, and click on the trash can icon (see right) on to delete it.

This operation cannot be undone.

Connection Type: Use Configuration File

The Use Configuration File option allows to retrieve and use an external file (.lsl format) containing a specific set of connections to one or many IP Server instances.

After selecting the option from the Connection Type drop-down list, click on the yellow icon […] next to the Configuration File field to open a Windows Explorer session; search for the corresponding file and open it.

Once the filename has been retrieved, click Login to to start using VI MonitorPlus.

Log in

Once the User Name and Password have been entered, and the Connection Type defined, click Log In to access VI MonitorPlus.

Error Messages

If the User Name and/or Password are incorrect, the application will display an Error Message.

Likewise, if the application is not able to establish a connection with one or more servers, a message will inform the failed attempt indicating the server’s IP address and Port number.