Release Procedure for Extension Software

Updated:Oct 22, 2021


I would like to know the steps required to release the extension software.


Once the extension software development is complete, the following procedures will be followed to make the final version.

All of the following procedures ae handled free of charge.


  1. Issue the FunctionID
    Click here to request the issuance of a FunctionID. The i-PRO team will issue a FunctionID and send it back to you.

  2. Update the value of “FUNCID” in “configuration.txt” to the FunctionID issued in step1, and build the extension software.

  3. Attach the .zip format extension software and request encryption from here.
    i-PRO team will send you back the excrypted .ext format software.
    The encrypted extension software can be installed on all i-PRO cameras, with or without a development license key.

Reference: “ProcedureAfterComplete_Vx_xx.pdf” included in the SDK


During development, the software can be installed on i-PRO cameras for which a development license key has been issued, and encryption procedures are not required each time.

If you need a development license key, please request from here.