Compile external library for Python
Please follow the steps below if you are using SDK V1.61 or earlier version.
This modification will be incorporated in the next SDK version update.
Please delete the following part in “external/build/sample/docker/Dockerfile”.
6th line: ENV http_proxy= https_proxy= modify the following parts in “external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/”
4th line:
8th line:
Please follow the steps below if you are using SDK V1.70 or earlier version.
This modification will be incorporated in the next SDK version update.
Please delete the following part in “external/build/sample/docker/Dockerfile”.
4th line:
Before:RUN python -m pip install Cython
After:RUN python -m pip install Cython==0.29.36
Also, this tutorial refers to the SDK installation directory as ${SDK_DIR}.
Building external libraries is not supported. Please build the external library by referring to the information provided in this chapter. Please note that we cannot provide support even if you contact us.
Table of contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Table of contents
- 3 Overview
- 4 Establish Docker environment
- 5 Create Docker image
- 6 Compile Python module(Numpy, OpenCV)
- 6.1 Steps
- 6.2 Download source code
- 6.3 Update compilation program
- 6.4 Compile
- 6.5 Deployment in AdamApp
- 6.5.1 Deploy Numpy
- 6.5.2 Deploy OpenCV
- 6.5.3 Delete files no longer needed
- 6.5.4 Build the sample application
- 7 Compile Python module(SQLite)
- 8 Compile Python module(Pycurl)
- 9 Compile a Python module (Numba)
Python module needs to be compiled when using external library with Python version AdamApp.
Here, we navigate how to build external library for Python from the environment building to module compilation.
External library used in this tutorial
NumPy 1.14.9
OpenCV 3.4.7
sqlite 3.40.0
Python 3.7.9
pycurl 7.45.2
OpenSSL 1.1.1
Establish Docker environment
Docker environment is built over the Ubuntu to which AdamAppSDK is installed.
OS used in this tutorial for installation
SDK v1.71 and earlier : Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (bionic)
SDK v1.80 or later : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
AdamAppSDK development environment must be built in advance. (This tutorial does not include this step)
If you have already created an AdamAppSDK development environment using SDK ver.1.80 or later, there are some duplicate steps. Please omit unnecessary parts as appropriate. Also, please note that the Docker image created using .devcontainer/Dockerfile when building the AdamAppSDK development environment and the Docker image explained in this chapter are different Docker images.
In addition, as the installation require the use of apt-get command and such, prepare the Internet environment that allows you to run “apt-get”, and setup management setting such as root privilege for installation.
Reference: Docker official document
For VirtualBox environments, Docker compilation may fail on host-guest shared directories. If it fails, try working in a directory on Ubuntu.
Install the package
Install the package required to establish Docker environment.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
software-properties-common \
Add repository(When using the apt-key command)
Add apt repository for Ubuntu provided by Docker to your system.
Add Docker official PGP key to your system.
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Make sure the fingerprint looks like the following after adding PGP key.
$ sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
pub rsa4096 2017-02-22 [SCEA]
9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88
uid [ unknown ] Docker Release (CE deb)
sub rsa4096 2017-02-22 [S]
Then, add Docker official apt repository to your system.
Check if you successfully added apt repository to “/etc/apt/sources.list”.
Add repository(When not using the apt-key command)
Add apt repository for Ubuntu provided by Docker to your system.
Create a keyrings directory in the /etc/apt directory in advance.
Add Docker official PGP key to your system.
Then, add Docker official apt repository to your system.
Install Docker execution file
Check if the system is up-to-date and then install Docker using the following apt-get command.
(Optional) Proxy setting of Docker
You may need proxy setting for the Docker if you need a proxy server to connect to the Internet.
Reference: Docker official document
Change the setting for Docker command
Change the setting for Docker command in order to make it available to general users.
Log out and log in again to apply the setting change.
Confirm if Docker runs successfully
Check the installed Docker can be run in your system using the following command.
Create Docker image
Create a Docker image used to compile Python module
Edit Dockerfile
You need to create a file called Dockerfile in which the program to create an image is written when creating a Docker image.
We provide you with a Dockerfile template to create necessary image for compiling NumPy and OpenCV module with ease.
Build an image from a Dockerfile
Docker image is built within the directory where Dockerfile is placed.
Check the directory to see if a repository “compile/ubuntu-rel” appears when you finish building the image.
How to install qemu
qemu must be installed in the development environment in order to create container version additional apps. Describe how to install qemu. If you have completed creating the Docker image, there is no need to install qemu, so please proceed to the next chapter.
install qemu
The third line also has a means to do the following:
The official document (Japanese) as of June 2023 guides here.
Docker Buildx | Docker ドキュメント (
Preparing docker buildx
Add and reflect environment variables to use experimental features and BuildKit.
Open configuration file.
Add the following to the end
Save file.
Check if buildx is available.
Output example
Check the currently buildable architectures.
Output example
If you see linux/arm64 in this output, success.
Compile Python module(Numpy, OpenCV)
Follow the steps below to compile Python module for AdamApp
Place source file in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume” directory
Write compilation program in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/”.
Run docker and proceed compilation.
The compiled module will be placed in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/install_path” directory.
Here we take you through NumPy and OpenCV compilation as a tutorial.
Download source code
Download Numpy and OpenCV source code from the URLs below.
This tutorial uses Numpy 1.14.9, OpenCV 3.4.7.
Select the version to download according to the functions you use.
Numpy 1.14.9:
OpenCV 3.4.7:
Place the downloaded files to “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume” directory.
Update compilation program
Write compilation program in the file: “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/”.
”” is provided as a sample script to compile Numpy and OpenCV.
Here we proceed without changing “”.
Compile NumPy module and OpenCV module using docker.
Run Docker in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker” directory.
The compiled module is created in “external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/install_path”.
Deployment in AdamApp
Deploy the modules to use them with AdamApp.
Here we take “${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/jpeg_app” as an example.
Deploy Numpy
NumPy module is installed in the following directory.
Copy and paste to AdamApp source directory without changing the directory structure.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
Deploy OpenCV
OpenCV module is installed in the following directory.
Copy and paste to AdamApp source directory without changing the directory structure.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
Deploy both Open CV library and Python module as Open CV requires them both.
OpenCV library is installed in the following directory.
Copy “” and paste it to the following directory.
Then create a symbolic link.
Delete files no longer needed
AdamApp does not use (_pycache_), Python cash file.
We recommend that you delete the files to reduce the folder size.
In addition, the information needed for debugging library is included in the OpenCV library you created.
We recommend that you delete this file to reduce the folder size as you do not need this to run the application.
Build the sample application
Build the sample application "jpeg_app" and install it on the camera (eg, it can be installed from the green frame in the image below).
Please perform the build method according to each SDK version.
Open the app screen (red frame button in the image below), and if the jpeg image taken by the camera is displayed, it is successful.
Compile Python module(SQLite)
Numpy and OpenCV were compiled. As the next tutorial, we will compile SQLite.
Download source code
Download sqlite and Python source code from the URLs below.
This tutorial uses sqlite 3.40.0, Python 3.7.9.
Select the version to download according to the functions you use.
sqlite 3.40.0
Python 3.7.9
Place the downloaded files to “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume” directory.
Update compilation instructions file
Put the compilation instructions in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/” file.
Please copy the content below.
Compile sqlite module and Python module using docker.
Run Docker in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker” directory.
The compiled module is created in “external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/install_path”.
Deployment in AdamApp
Deploy the modules to use them with AdamApp.
Here we take “${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/sqlite_app” as an example.
Deploy SQLite
SQLite module is installed in the following directory.
Copy the above 5 files to the AdamApp source directory.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
Deploy sqlite for Python
sqlite for Python module is installed in the following directory.
Copy and paste to AdamApp source directory without changing the directory structure.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
sqlite for Python requires not only modules but also libraries, so place them together.
The sqlite for Python library is installed in the following directory.
Copy “” to the following directory.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
Next, modify so that the sqlite for Python library can be loaded when importing.
Modify as follows.
Before) from _sqlite3 import *
After) from sqlite3._sqlite3 import *
Build the sample application
Before building the sample app, format the SD card using the screen below. (Please confirm in advance whether the SD card can be formatted. All data on the SD card will be erased.)
Once formatting is complete, the SD card as ext (ext4) and press the Set button.
Build the sample application "sqlite_app" and install it on the camera (eg, it can be installed from the green frame in the image below).
Please perform the build method according to each SDK version.
Open the app screen (red frame button in the image below),
and if the following screen is displayed, it is successful.
Compile Python module(Pycurl)
SQLite was compiled. As the next tutorial, we will compile Pycurl.
Download source code
Download PyCurl and OpenSSL source code from the URLs below.
This tutorial uses pycurl 7.45.2, OpenSSL 1.1.1.
Select the version to download according to the functions you use.
pycurl 7.45.2
OpenSSL 1.1.1
OpenSSL 3.0.12
Place the downloaded files to “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume” directory.
Update compilation instructions file
Put the compilation instructions in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/” file.
Please copy the content below.
Compile pycurl module and OpenSSL module using docker.
Run Docker in “${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker” directory.
The compiled module is created in “external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/install_path”.
Deployment in AdamApp
Deploy the modules to use them with AdamApp.
Here we take “${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/hogehoge_app” as an example.
Deploy PyCurl
PyCurl module is installed in the following directory.
Copy the above file to the AdamApp source directory.
Then, the directory structure will be as follows.
Modify the source code to load PyCurl
Open “${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/hogehoge_app/python/” and add as follows.
import os;
Add the following one line below.
import pycurl;
Build the sample application
Build the sample application "hogehoge_app" and install it on the camera (eg, it can be installed from the green frame in the image below).
Please perform the build method according to each SDK version.
Compile a Python module (Numba)
This article describes the steps to build Numba, which is used to speed up Python.
Download source code
Several modules are required to run Numba. Please download each source code from the URL below. Also, please select a version of each module that is compatible with Python 3.7.9.
Numba 0.56.4: 1.19.4: 11.1.0: 0.39.1: 6.7.0: 4.7.1: 3.15.0:
Place the downloaded file in the following directory. ${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume
Update the compilation instructions file
The compilation procedure is described in the file below.
Please copy the content below.
Compile each module using Docker.
Run Docker in the directory below.
Compiled modules are placed in the following directories.
Place in AdamApp
Place the created module so that it can be used by AdamApp.
The tutorial uses the following as an example.
Place the module
Copy the compiled module to the AdamApp source directory, keeping the directory structure as is.
$ cp -R ${SDK_DIR}/external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/install_path/lib/python3.7/site-packages ${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/yuv_yolov5_app/python/
Change the source code to be compatible with numba. Replace the attached file "" with the file below.
Build the sample app
Build the sample app "yuv_yolov5_app" and install it on the camera. Please perform the build method according to each SDK version. When you open the app screen, if there is a frame around the object (such as a person) on the screen, it is a success.
Please also refer to the operation explanation of the sample application.
If it fails, a message will be displayed on the application screen indicating that the application has failed to start. From now on, please use the message content and debugging tools to solve the problem and create an application.