SDK installation (if continuing to use v1.71 or earlier)

SDK installation (if continuing to use v1.71 or earlier)


Table of contents


AdamAppSDK (Application Development Kit for i-PRO AI Camera) works in Linux environment.

AdamAppSDK operating requirements

  • For development PC :x86_64(amd64)

  • For development OS :Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS (64bit版)
    Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS (64bit版)

  • development language :C/C++, Python

In this tutorial, assuming that the OS of the development PC is windows, explain the installation procedure of VirtualBox and Ubuntu.

If the OS of the development PC is Ubuntu, start by establishing the Preparation-for-establishing-the-SDK-development-environment.

Install VirtualBox

Download the installer

Download the VirtualBox installer from the website.


Versions to be installed in the tutorial.

  • VirtualBox 6.1.36 platform packages

Click "Windows hosts" to download the installer.


Install VirtualBox

Follow the wizard to install.

No changes are required.

Once done, Virtual Box will start.

Establish Ubuntu environment

Download image file

Download the Ubuntu Desktop image file from the website.



Installation target OS in the tutorial

  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

Create a virtual machine

Start VirtualBox and click the "New (N)" button.

Select the virtual machine name and OS type.

  • Virtual machine name : Optional

  • OS type : Linux

  • Version : Ubuntu (64bit)

Arbitrarily allocate memory for the virtual machine. Recommended is 1024MB or more.

If you plan to use the AI model conversion tool, please make it at least 4096MB.

Create a virtual hard disk.

The hard disk file type does not need to be changed.

We recommend "Variable size" for the virtual hard disk.

Set arbitrary size.

Once complete, your virtual machine will be created.

Install Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu on the created virtual machine.

Start the created virtual machine.

Click the folder mark in the wizard that starts.

Click Add.

Select the image file you downloaded.

Click Select.

Click "Launch" to start the installation.


Set up Ubuntu

Configure Ubuntu.

Select your language and click Install Ubuntu.

Select your keyboard layout and click Continue.

Click Continue without making any changes.

Click Install without making any changes.

Click Continue.

Select your region and click Continue.

Set your login information and click Continue.

After the installation is complete, reboot the OS.

Type Enter and if it boots, you're done.


Network settings for communicating with the outside world

Configure settings for network access from outside VirtualBox. By default, NAT is set, so please use the setting as it is.

If you want VirtualBox to communicate with the Windows PC running VirtualBox, refer to the following URL and set Host only network.



This completes the environment construction of the virtualization software VirtualBox and Ubuntu.

Please continue establishing the SDK environment.


Preparation for establishing the SDK development environment

Settings for downloading and installing software

Set up a package management system ‘apt’ in Ubuntu in order to download and install software tools.

Adjust setting if network is connected to Internet via Proxy.(only in the necessary environment)

Edit /etc/apt/apt.conf as follows

Acquire::http::proxy "http://my.http-proxy.co.jp:Port_Number";

Acquire::https::proxy "http://my.https-proxy.co.jp:Port_Number";

Modify http://my.http-proxy.co.jp:PortNumber and http://my.https-proxy.co.jpd epending on your environment.

Update apt package index.

$ sudo apt-get update


Installing tools for host machine

Install tools for the host machine including a toolchain such as compiler, linker or assembler along with the libraries etc. Use apt-get command for the installation.

Install g++ toolchain.

$ sudo apt-get install g++

Install g++-multilib.

$ sudo apt-get install g++-multilib

Install libjpeg package.

Install g++-multilib again.

Install packages for executing 32-bit binary over the 64-bit system

If fails, do also.


About i-pro camera SoC

The i-pro camera uses SoC provided by ambarella. Hereafter, ambarella's CV2X (generic term for chip types such as CV2, CV22, CV25, etc.) SoC will be abbreviated as ambaCV2X. There are SoCs such as CV52 with higher performance, in which case it is called ambaCV5X. Please see below for compatibility between the camera and the SoC used.
Installation conditions for applications - Technology Partner FAQ (En) - Confluence (atlassian.net)


Installing modules in accordance with each target

Install Ambarella_Toolchain_Linaro_2018.08 included in AdamAppSDK_DevTools_YYYYMMDD.zip(get here) as a cross compiler to build AdamApps for i-pro ambaCV2X models.

The compiler is located in the following location in AdamAppSDK_DevTool and is Ubuntu 64bit version only.


Execute the file as follows to install the cross compiler.

In the environment on VirtualBox, installation may fail on shared directories. Please install in the directory on Ubuntu.

How to install AdamAppSDK

Installing AdamAppSDK

Unzip iPRO_CAMERA_SDK_Vx_xx.zip(get here) in any directory on your Development PC as indicated below. (iPRO_CAMERA_SDK file name’s Vx_xx is a value of the AdamAppSDK version).

The installation is completed.


Getting the Development License

In principle, only encrypted AdamApp can be installed into i-PRO cameras sold in general. A development license is embedded in SDK so that AdamApp that has not been encrypted can be installed into i-PRO camera with specified MAC address. Please obtain a development license file from i-PRO Co., Ltd. then save the file as shown below.

<AdamAppSDK’s Installation Directry>/conf/development.key


Build the sample app

Build the sample application "additional_info_sample_app" and install it on the camera. If sample application works, the construction of the SDK development environment is completed.

Only the minimum necessary steps are described. Please see here for details on how to develop.


Generate and place source files

Source files of the AdamApp must be placed in the following directory.

<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp

Thus, source codes of the sample program (SkeltonSampleApp) should be placed in the following directory.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/additional_info_sample_app

When you generate new AdamApp, also generate the following directory and place the source files, header files and Makefile in there.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/<directory name of the new AdamApp>

It’s recommended that you copy and modify additional_info_sample_app directory to generate new application for ease.


Build the sample app

setup_env.sh is provided as a setup file for the building environment. You can set up building
environment by reading setup_env.sh using ‘source’ command with parameter depending on execution
environment of AdamApp.


Addressable parameters are as follows:
When creating an AdamApp that runs on i-pro ambaCV2X model ipro-ambaCV2X


*When creating an AdamApp that runs on i-pro ambaCV2X model


Execute make (build and generate package of AdamApp)

You will need to execute make to build and generate an AdamApp package. AdamApp package will be build and generated automatically. When it is successful, the following three files are generated within skelton_sample_app directory.
AdditionalInfoSampleApp : The execution program of additional_info_sample_app
AdditionalInfoSampleApp.zip :The package of additional_info_sample_app
AdditionalInfoSampleApp.ext :Encoded file by BASE64


Operation check of the sample application

Install the created "AdditionalInfoSampleApp.ext" to the camera and check the operation.

Here, access the camera from the web browser as shown below and try the installation.


Install from the green frame of the image. Press the file selection button, select the created "AdditionalInfoSampleApp.ext", and execute the installation.

When the installation is complete, press the red frame button in the image and check the operation of the sample application.

If the string similar to following is displayed on the application screen, the establish of the development environment is successful.



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