How do I setup a Scheduled Control Point?

How do I setup a Scheduled Control Point?


A Scheduled Control Point can be configured in MonitorCast by following these steps:


 1. Wire in the handicap button to one of the output relays. Go to the hardware tab drop down menu and click the hardware config option. This will open the hardware config page.

2. On the hardware config page navigate to the correct controller and select an unused Aux output. Change the device type from general output to control point and then set the device output status with the relay as normally open. Click save when complete.

3. Go to the Schedules tab drop down menu and click the basic schedules. This will open the Basic schedules page.

4. If a basic schedule does not exist for the scheduled control point one can be created by clicking the pen icon and then clicking add new. After clicking add new the schedule setup menu will open on the page.

5. In the schedule setup add a start and end time and select the days the schedule will be active. Click the save button

6. Go to the Administration tab drop down menu and click the Rules Manager. This will open the Rules Manager page.

7. Click Add a Rule and click schedule rules. This will open the schedule rule setup.

8. In the setup menu name the rule, change the status to enabled, select the controller, select the schedule, and change the trigger status to active. Next Click the add action. This will open the new actions menu.

9. In the new action menu select change control point mode. This will open the new action menu.

10. In the action window create an action name, select the control point, choose the command mode, set the action status to enable and click add. *Note: The single pulse and repeated pulse command mode will have added options under mode options to adjust duration, on/off time, and repeat count.

11. After the action is added click save.

12. Now that the rule is created go to the download center under the Administration tab and perform a reset and download to the controller.


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