Released versions:
Click here for the release note from V1.00 to V5.13
Release date: November 26, 2024
From this version, this software cannot be installed in Windows 10 version 1809 or earlier PC.
Please update to version 1909 or later by Windows Update.
New Features / Improvements
Supports new cameras 🇺
Indoor PTZ:
WV-S61602-Z3, WV-S61702-Z3
Aero PTZ:
WV-X67300-Z4-3, WV-X67300-Z4L3, WV-X67301-Z4L3, WV-X67310-Z4-1, WV-X67310-Z4-3, WV-X67310-Z4L1, WV-X67310-Z4L3, WV-X67311-Z4L3, WV-X67700-Z3-3, WV-X67700-Z3L3, WV-X67701-Z3L3, WV-X67710-Z3-1, WV-X67710-Z3-3, WV-X67710-Z3L1, WV-X67710-Z3L3, WV-X67711-Z3L3
High zoom bullet:
WV-S15301-Z1L, WV-S15301-Z1LN, WV-S15501-Z1L, WV-S15501-Z1LN, WV-S15501-Z3L, WV-S15501-Z3LN, WV-S15701-Z3L, WV-S15701-Z3LN, WV-X15301-Z1L, WV-X15301-Z1LN, WV-X15302-Z1L, WV-X15302-Z1LN, WV-X15501-Z1L, WV-X15501-Z1LN, WV-X15501-Z3L, WV-X15501-Z3LN, WV-X15502-Z1L, WV-X15502-Z1LN, WV-X15701-Z3L, WV-X15701-Z3LNSupports new recorder versions. 🇺 View details
- Version 1.30 of WJ-NX310K(G), NX410K(G), and NX510K(G)
- Version 1.50 of WJ-NU101K(G), WJ-NU201K(G), WJ-NU300K(G) and WJ-NU301K(G)
- Version 5.60 of WJ-NX100, NX200, NX300, and NX400 (To be released in Nov. 2024)Added a [Quick Download Save to] setting to the [Basic setup] to designate the folder to save the data. 🇺 View details
Removed some unnecessary pop-up messages. 🇺
Supports new cameras 🇺
Corner camera: WV-X25580-F2LN2Supports new recorder versions. 🇺
- Version 1.20 of WJ-NX310K(G), NX410K(G), and NX510K(G)
- Version 1.40 of WJ-NU101K(G), WJ-NU201K(G), WJ-NU300K(G) and WJ-NU301K(G)
- Version 5.50 of WJ-NX100, NX200, NX300, and NX400 (To be released in July 2024)Support displaying a progress bar while starting this software. 🇺
Support TLS1.3 for the connection with cameras and recorders. 🇺
*Due to this change, on Windows 10 version 1809 or earlier PC, a pop-up message that says .NET framework version 4.8 is required might appear. In this case, install .NET framework 4.8 following the message.[Demo edition] Support i-PRO Active Guard Plug-in for WV-ASM300 during the trial period (90 days). 🇺