Released versions:

Click here for the release note from V1.00 to V5.13


  • Supports new cameras 🇺
    Corner camera: WV-X25580-F2LN2

  • Supports new recorder versions. 🇺
    - Version 1.20 of WJ-NX310K(G), NX410K(G), and NX510K(G)
    - Version 1.40 of WJ-NU101K(G), WJ-NU201K(G), WJ-NU300K(G) and WJ-NU301K(G)
    - Version 5.50 of WJ-NX100, NX200, NX300, and NX400 (To be released in July 2024)

  • Support displaying a progress bar while starting this software. 🇺

  • Support TLS1.3 for the connection with cameras and recorders. 🇺
    *Due to this change, on Windows 10 version 1809 or earlier PC, a pop-up message that says .NET framework version 4.8 is required might appear. In this case, install .NET framework 4.8 following the message.

  • [Demo edition] Support i-PRO Active Guard Plug-in for WV-ASM300 during the trial period (90 days). 🇺
