Please follow the steps below if you are using SDK V1.6 61 or earlier version.
This modification will be incorporated in the next SDK version update.
Please delete the following part in “external/build/sample/docker/Dockerfile”.
6th line: ENV http_proxy=http://proxy.mei.co.jp:8080/ https_proxy=http://proxy.mei.co.jp:8080/Please modify the following parts in “external/build/sample/docker/docker_volume/module_compile.sh”
4th line:
8th line:
Before: OPENCV_ARCHIES=opencv-3.4.7.zip
After: OPENCV_ARCHIVES=opencv-3.4.7.zip
Please follow the steps below if you are using SDK V1.70 or earlier version.
This modification will be incorporated in the next SDK version update.
Please delete the following part in “external/build/sample/docker/Dockerfile”.
4th line:
Before:RUN python -m pip install Cython
After:RUN python -m pip install Cython==0.29.36
Also, this tutorial refers to the SDK installation directory as ${SDK_DIR}.