Rules Manager

Rules Manager provides necessary automation of certain tasks to help the Administrator or any desired features range from sending email to a specific email address after a video camera detects motion, to moving video files from one location to another for the purposes of server maintenance and long-term storage.


On VI MonitorPlus, select the Administration tab from the Main Menu, and click on Servers. In the next menu, click on Rules and the Rule Setup window will open.

In most scenarios, a Rule is made up of two parts: Trigger Events and Actions.

A Trigger Event can be as simple as motion detection on a camera.

A subsequent Action can be to take a snapshot of the image and to email it to a specific email address.

The Rule itself would be defined as:

“When there is motion on a specified camera, take a snapshot and send that snapshot to a specific email address”.

Rules Creation Process Cheat Sheet

The following are the basic steps required for the creation of a Rule, which will increase the productivity, security and further enhancement of the Video Insight IP Server Enterprise Suite.

Basic Steps

  1. Open VI MonitorPlus.

  2. Click the Administration tab, then click on Servers.

  3. Click on the Rules icon.

  4. Click on the [+] icon to create a New Rule.

  5. Select Add Event or Add Action.

Trigger Events

  1. When the new Add Event window appears, select the Trigger desired for activation.

  2. Provide the necessary information to activate the Trigger.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Move to the Actions section below the Trigger Events section.

  5. Select Add Action.


  1. After the new Add Action window opens, select the desired resulting Action.

  2. Provide the necessary information within the Action being used.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Restart IP Server.

  5. Test Rule for verification.

See Also: