IPSM: Options

Clicking on Options will display the Auto Restart Options dialog box, which includes features that help configure and optimize environment settings that could interfere with the IP Server service.

Auto Restart

Restarting the service can refresh camera connections and video streaming and alter CPU performance by releasing used resources, providing the ability to automatically restart the service for a specific day and time.

This flexibility allows the Administrator to schedule IP Server service without impacting business hours recording.

To set an Auto-Restart schedule, follow the steps below:

  • Check the Enable box.

  • Select the Restart Day(s).

  • Select a Restart Time.

  • Click OK.

Delay Service

Delaying the IP Server service start is a viable option if the server has many additional services running.

The IP Server service may have issues initializing without services such as the Microsoft SQL database service already running.

IIS loads the localhost IP Address ( if it is not able to resolve the hostname for the IP Server.

To set a Service Startup Delay, check the Enable Startup Delay box and click OK.


Analog Video Server Support

For environments where both an Analog and an IP Server are installed on the same server, with resulting high bandwidth usage, there is an option to restrict the Analog server’s resources consumption.

Enabling this feature will stop the communication between Analog and IP servers. As a result, no live streaming or recording will be performed by the IP server when the timeout threshold is reached.

To set an Analog Video timeout:

  • Check the Enable Analog Video Bandwidth Timeout box.

  • Select the Timeout in seconds.

  • Click OK.


EXAMPLE - In a scenario with the timeout enabled and set to 30 seconds, there is a VI MonitorPlus Client layout comprised of both analog and IP camera images. For 30 seconds, both streaming and recording are managed by the IP Server.

After 30 seconds have passed, the analog cameras will stop streaming and recording due to this feature.

Changing the layout will restart streaming and recording for all cameras until the timeout is reached again.