Failover Server

VI IP Server supports Automated Failover at no additional software cost. When utilizing the Video Insight Shared Database configuration, a physical or virtual server can be designated as a Failover. This server will monitor the other servers and inherit the cameras of a failed one.

For example, if there are five servers with one designated as Failover, when any of the remaining four stops writing information to the SQL database, the Failover Server will assume the role of the failed one and all camera traffic will be associated with that server.

Once the failed server is put back into service, the Failover Server will move the cameras back to their original location.


To use the Failover Server feature, the following criteria must be met:

  • Two functional IP Servers with the same hardware configuration, or a secondary server with greater storage capacity.

  • A Shared SQL Database installation; see IP Server Installation for more details.

  • At least one license and a serial number or activation key for each server.

  • In case of using Virtualized environments, it is recommended that the virtualized servers are on two different pieces of hardware.

Recording during Failover process

If a Failover Server has its own storage, a video recorded by it will not be moved to an Active Server after recovering a failed one. Thus, having the same hardware configuration is required since a server cluster feature is used.

In case of using three or more servers, shared storage is also recommended so that all recorded videos during Failover can be accessed by VI MonitorPlus after recovering.

See Also: