Testing SQL connectivity and changing the SQL Database location. (*)

There are two additional features for troubleshooting within IPSM that are not available within VI MonitorPlus.

To test the connectivity with SQL Server, select the IP server on the left side of the screen:

On the Database Information area, enter the SQL Server Location and click Test DB. If IPSM is not able to connect to the database, the test will display: “Error: Database version is not correct”. Either the SQL database did not respond, or the IP Server has an outdated SQL Server version.

See the online FAQ for more information and potential solutions to the failure.

Click Advanced to update or confirm the database information:

  • Database: enter the database name. The default database name is InsightEnt.

  • IP Address: enter the IP address or the hostname of the SQL (database) server.

  • User ID: the default user ID for the InsightEnt database is “sa” unless opting to use the VIUser credentials entered during the setup process.

  • Password: the default password for the InsightEnt database is V4in$ight/ if using the default “sa” account in legacy systems. Otherwise, the password will be the one selected during the setup process.