Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


(4) Generate preferences file

Please refer to here to create setting value control file when using setting
value control function. Place the file under skeleton_sample_app/ directory by the name of


Build and create a package of AdamApp after creating and placing the required files for AdamApp.
(1) Read configuration file for the AdamApp execution environment and (2) Execute make
For detailed instructions, please see here if you are using SDK v1.71 or earlier.
If you are using SDK v1.80 or later, please refer here.

Format of configuration file

Configuration file contains essential information to run AdamApp. AdamApp is controlled within Adam execution environment in line with the contents of this file (e.g., at the time of installation or starting). Therefore, installation or starting of AdamApp may fail if the content in this file is incorrect. In addition, this file is also used when AdamApp is packaged, which means that you need to create this file before the execution of make to create AdamApp.

See the configuration.txt of any sample app for specific examples.

Build the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X extension apps into one file

This article explains how to combine ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X applications into one file. If there is no need to combine them into one file, there is no problem if you do not perform this. Build the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps in advance. As an example, if you build Python's sqlite_app, the following files will be generated.


Now, move to the target directory as shown below and run make pack.

Code Block
cd ${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp


Each term in configuration.txt

Each item has a tag and a value as shown below.

# head of line ‘#’ means comment out

TagName Value

Add a space between TagName and Value for one or more characters, or a tab.
‘#’ placed at the beginning of a sentence means ‘comment out’ whereas, a ‘#’ in the middle of sentence
means otherwise.
Details of each tag is shown in Table 1.4.1-1. Please refer to this table to determine what character can be
used for Value for each tag. Examples are shown below.

# set of the name of execution file of AdamApp

APPLICATION SkeletonSampleApp

# set of version of AdamApp


More than one item can be selected. Example is as follows.

# set of the official name of AdamApp

APPNAME0 Sample Application

APPNAME1 サンプルアプリケーション

APPNAME5 esempio di applicazione

Following tag names can be used in the configuration file. The optionality field where ‘M (Mandatory)’ is indicated must be filled. The field can be left blank if it is not indicated as mandatory.

Table 1.4.1-1 Tags written in the configuration file


Tag name




Multi selectable




Application name related information




The name of AdamApp execution file. Write the same name as PROG_NAME variable in Makefile. Up to 256 characters using alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period.






AdamApp version information. Up to 7 characters using alpha-numeral and period.





The AdamApp official name Tag name should be a combination of APPNAME + region code. This is because an AdamApp official name supports multiple language.

e.g., APPNAME0 SampleApplication

Tag names of languages are as follows:










Please always specify APPNAME0(English). The other languages are optional. Single quote cannot be used. The number of characters is up to 32. Character code must be UTF-8






Information of release




ROM size used for AdamApp. ROM size includes not only execution file of AdamApp but also the file size stored in data directory. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values.






RAM size used for AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.






AdamApp CPU usage.






Adam App AI Accelerator utilization. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.




make pack

If successful, the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps will be combined into one file.


The above files are available for ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X cameras.


If the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps are combined into one file, the file size will increase accordingly. The app may not work if the file size is large. Please note that the file size limit varies depending on the camera model and condition.


Format of configuration file


Configuration file contains essential information to run AdamApp. AdamApp is controlled within Adam execution environment in line with the contents of this file (e.g., at the time of installation or starting). Therefore, installation or starting of AdamApp may fail if the content in this file is incorrect. In addition, this file is also used when AdamApp is packaged, which means that you need to create this file before the execution of make to create AdamApp.

See the configuration.txt of any sample app for specific examples.

${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp/[any sample app]/configuration.txt

Each term in configuration.txt

Each item has a tag and a value as shown below.

# head of line ‘#’ means comment out

TagName Value

Add a space between TagName and Value for one or more characters, or a tab.
‘#’ placed at the beginning of a sentence means ‘comment out’ whereas, a ‘#’ in the middle of sentence
means otherwise.
Details of each tag is shown in Table 1.4.1-1. Please refer to this table to determine what character can be
used for Value for each tag. Examples are shown below.

# set of the name of execution file of AdamApp

APPLICATION SkeletonSampleApp

# set of version of AdamApp


More than one item can be selected. Example is as follows.

# set of the official name of AdamApp

APPNAME0 Sample Application

APPNAME1 サンプルアプリケーション

APPNAME5 esempio di applicazione

Following tag names can be used in the configuration file. The optionality field where ‘M (Mandatory)’ is indicated must be filled. The field can be left blank if it is not indicated as mandatory.

Table 1.4.1-1 Tags written in the configuration file

Tag name


Multi selectable


Application name related information


The name of AdamApp execution file. Write the same name as PROG_NAME variable in Makefile. Up to 256 characters using alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period.



AdamApp version information. Up to 7 characters using alpha-numeral and period.



The AdamApp official name Tag name should be a combination of APPNAME + region code. This is because an AdamApp official name supports multiple language.

e.g., APPNAME0 SampleApplication

Tag names of languages are as follows:










Please always specify APPNAME0(English). The other languages are optional. Single quote cannot be used. The number of characters is up to 32. Character code must be UTF-8



Information of release


ROM size used for AdamApp. ROM size includes not only execution file of AdamApp but also the file size stored in data directory. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values.



RAM size used for AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.



AdamApp CPU usage.

This will be used in the response of WEB API getApplicationList.



Adam App AI Accelerator utilization.


AI Memory size used by AdamApp.

Information of script file


Name of the shell script that is executed soon after the installation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.


The name of the shell script executed soon after an update. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.


Name of the shell script executed right before the uninstallation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.

Information of license


Function ID This is a unique value for each AdamApp which is normally assigned by i-PRO Co., Ltd. This value can link AdamApp to the function ID. The ID should be 8 digit and in hex.


Use any value between 0000FF01 to 0000FFFF during the development. The ID should be different for each AdamApp. Installation error occurs if AdamApp had the same function ID with AdamApp that has been already installed.


Sum of followings.
Size of executable file and shared libraries (sum of “text” and “data” field value obtained with the
Linux size command.)
Size of data directory.
Size of conf directory.

At first, set the same value as the sample application.
At last, set the value when running the application on the i-PRO camera.
How to see these parameters described in here.
Available ROM/RAM resources described in here.


Set the same value as the sample application. These are not used in internal processing.

Case of using AI accelerator


A tool (cvtool) to be used to process the step1 above is provided by Adam. Please see here for how to use cvtool.

