Also, this tutorial refers to the SDK installation directory as ${SDK_DIR}.
Packaging format of AdamApp
AdamApp needs to be in a package format when it is installed into IP camera. Create a zip file and encrypt it with a directory structure indicated below. *C/C++ is described as an example.
Directory to store AdamApp execution program
Directory to store configuration files
Directory to store external data files for AdamApp
*data_CV2X/data_CV5X only for SDK1.80 or laterexternal/
Directory to allocate external software files that will be used in AdamApp
Directory to store set-up scripts
AdamApp execution file, data files and configuration files will be stored in the directories above. Detail of each directory is introduced below.
⚫ bin directory: for AdamApp execution program
bin directory stores execution program of AdamApp. You can name the program as you like. If you built and package AdamApp using AdamAppSDK, the execution program will be automatically stored in this directory and will be named as specified by PROG_NAME macro in Makefile.
⚫ conf directory: for configuration files
This directory stores configuration information which is always a combination of Applicense.bin
file and profile.bin file. These 2 files are created out of a configuration file (placed by the name
of configuration.txt as a sample of AdamAppSDK) by using a tool called adamapp_configurator.
Please refer to here for how to write a configuration.txt.
Note that you will have to place the files in this directory once your built and packaged AdamApp by using AdamAppSDK to automatically generate applicense.bin as well as profile.bin out of configuration.txt.
⚫ data/data_CV2X/data_CV5X directory: for external data files of AdamApp
Data directory is the only place where you can store external data files for AdamApp. Files which were placed in this directory will be copied when AdamApp is installed. This directory should be empty if you do not have data files you need to copy.
The data_CV2X directory is a directory where you can place external data files for AdamApp for ambaCV2X. The data_CV5X directory is a directory where you can place external data files for AdamApp for ambaCV5X. If you want to share it between ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X, store the external data file for AdamApp in the data directory and it will be shared. If you want to differentiate external data files for AdamApp between ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X, place them under the data_CV2X and data_CV5X directories.
⚫ external directory: for external software files used in AdamApp
Place library files (.a .so etc) and header files (.h .hpp .hxx etc) included in the external software under external directory.
⚫ setup directory: for set-up shell script
setup directory is to store shell scripts which will be executed when installing, updating, or uninstalling AdamApp. The format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
Shell script will be executed after the environment variables listed below are passed on. Thus, you can review these environment variables within the shell script.
Install ID of AdamApp.
Directory path for AdamApp external data files.(= Data directory path)
Directory path for AdamApp temporary files.
The name of each shell script should be specified by the configuration file. Your preference of using or not using shell script can be set up for each script. Do not write a file name of the shell script for the configuration file if you are not using a shell script. (In this case, keep setup directory empty in order to save some file space)
➢ Install Script (optional)
This script is executed just after AdamApp is installed. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
➢ Update Script (optional)
This script is executed after an AdamApp has been updated. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
➢ Uninstall Script (optional)
This script is executed right before AdamApp is uninstalled. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
For Python it is as follows. A detailed explanation is omitted because it is similar to C/C++.
Directory to store AdamApp execution program
Directory to store configuration files
Directory to store external data files for AdamApp
Directory to place Python scripts
Directory to store set-up scripts
Target Dependent Macro
This section explains target dependent macros, which represent differences of models, OSs, and so on. They are defined as macro variables and are available within source files, header files and Makefiles. You can use these macros to change implementation of AdamApp on a specific model or OS that you are using.
Macros for source file and header file
Target dependent macros for source file and header file are as follows:
Macro Name
Macro to represent the architecture (ADAM_TARGET_ARCH_XXX)
Linux 64bit on aarch64 (For ambaCV2X)
Macro to represent the model name (ADAM_TARGET_MODEL_XXX)
i-pro Model
Macro to represent the OS (ADAM_TARGET_OS_XXX)
Macro to represent the detail platform (ADAM_TARGET_PF_XXX)
i-pro Model / ambaCV2X / Linux
Macros for Makefile
Target dependent macros for Makefile are as follows:
Macro Name
Macro to represent the architecture
Linux 64bit on aarch64 (For ambaCV2X)
Macro to represent the model name
i-pro Model
Macro to represent the OS
Macro to represent the detail platform
i-pro Model / ambaCV2X / Linux
Procedure for generation of AdamApp package
The procedure to generate an AdamApp package using a sample application (SkeltonSampleApp) is discussed in this section. There are three phases to generate a package.
1.Generate source files and Makefile
Generate AdamApp source file.
2.Generate and place files
Generate files to build and run AdamApp and place them in the appropriate directories.
3.Build and generate package
Build (compile and link) AdamApp and generate a package.
Each specific method will be explained below.
Generate source file and Makefile
(1) Generate and place source files
Source files of the AdamApp must be placed in the following directory.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp
Info |
The Python source code should be placed below. <AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp-py |
Thus, source codes of the sample program (SkeltonSampleApp) should be placed in the following
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/skeleton_sample_app
When you generate new AdamApp, also generate the following directory and place the source files,
header files and Makefile in there.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/<directory name of the new AdamApp>
It’s recommended that you copy and modify skeleton_sample_app directory to generate new
application for ease.
Info |
*For Python, we recommend using the jpeg_app directory. |
Directory structure of development environment
Directory structure of AdamAppSDK is as follows.
${SDK_DIR}/ Top directory
bin/ Directory for Adam execution program
build_config/ Directory for rule files for make
conf/ Directory for configuration information
external/ Directory for open source library files for AdamApp
include/ Directory for header files for AdamApp
lib/ Directory for library files for AdamApp
src/ Directory for source files for AdamApp
tool/ Directory for tools
www/ Directory for HTML files for operation of Adam (Not used)
sdk_version.txt Text file described version of AdamSDK
setup_env.sh Script file for configuration of make
Details of each directory/file are discussed in the next section.
include: Directory of header files of AdamApp
The following header files which are required for generation of AdamApp are placed in include directory.
AdamType.h Types of Adam are defined
AdamApi.h API for AdamApp is defined
lib: Directory of libraries for AdamApp
The following library files which are required for generation of AdamApp are placed in lib directory.
libadam_common.so / libadam_common.a
Adam common library: common library for Adam processes
libadam.so / libadam.a
AdamApp API library: described API for AdamApp
Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.
Library for i-pro ambaCV2X model.
src: Directory of source files of AdamApp
Source files of AdamApp are placed in src directory. You could generate sub-directories and place source
files in them.skelton_sample_app directory is located in src directory as a sample for you to understand
how to place source files with ease. It is easier if you copy this sample directory and create a source file
within the copied directory to create a building environment.
In addition, sample applications are stored under skelton_sample_app directory which can be used for
actual building of an environment with ease. Use this samples as references for how to use AdamApp
API. Directory structure of src and skeleton_sample_app is as follows.
adamapp_setting.mk common configuration file for make
adam_make_package.mk common rule file for make
bin/ for execution program of AdamApp
conf/ for configuration information
data/ for data files of AdamApp
external/ for external software files using in AdamApp
setup/ for setup script files
Makefile Makefile
configuration.txt configuration file
skeletonSampleApp.cpp sample source file
bin: Directory of Adam execution program
Bin files which are required for execution of AdamApp are placed in bin directory. Execution programs provided are listed below.
adamCore : Adam Core program
adam.cgi : Adam CGI program, which is called by HTTP server
sdkCam : sdkCAM program
Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.
i686-linux-gnu/ Binary for execution on PC (32 bit version)
X86_64-linux-gnu/ Binary for execution on PC (64 bit version)
build_config: Directory of basic setting file for build
Make rule file which is required for AdamApp building is placed in build_config directory. You normally
don’t need to edit the files in this directory unless you want to change the existing make rule.
tool: Directory for tools
The tools for creating or executing Adam related files, such as a tool to generate Adam configuration data or a script file to launch Adam, are placed in tool directory.
adamapp_configurator A script that generates configuration data out of the configuration file.
httpdctl.sh A script to start and stop httpd
startAdam.sh Start Adam script
stopAdam.sh Stop Adam script
external: Directory of Open Source library used for AdamApp
Open Source library files which are required AdamApp building are placed in external directory. Please
refer to adamappsdk/external/license for the available Open Source.
Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories
for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.
Location of Open Source license files in external directory${SDK_DIR}/external/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
Library for i-pro ambaCV2X model.
sdk_version.txt: version file of SDK
Version information of iPRO_CAMERA_SDK in sdk_version.txt.
setup_env.sh: setting file
setup_env.sh is provided as an environment setup file for building.
Packaging format of AdamApp
AdamApp needs to be in a package format when it is installed into IP camera. Create a zip file and encrypt it with a directory structure indicated below. *C/C++ is described as an example.
Directory to store AdamApp execution program
Directory to store configuration files
Directory to store external data files for AdamApp
*data_CV2X/data_CV5X only for SDK1.80 or laterexternal/
Directory to allocate external software files that will be used in AdamApp
Directory to store set-up scripts
AdamApp execution file, data files and configuration files will be stored in the directories above. Detail of each directory is introduced below.
⚫ bin directory: for AdamApp execution program
bin directory stores execution program of AdamApp. You can name the program as you like. If you built and package AdamApp using AdamAppSDK, the execution program will be automatically stored in this directory and will be named as specified by PROG_NAME macro in Makefile.
⚫ conf directory: for configuration files
This directory stores configuration information which is always a combination of Applicense.bin
file and profile.bin file. These 2 files are created out of a configuration file (placed by the name
of configuration.txt as a sample of AdamAppSDK) by using a tool called adamapp_configurator.
Please refer to here for how to write a configuration.txt.
Note that you will have to place the files in this directory once your built and packaged AdamApp by using AdamAppSDK to automatically generate applicense.bin as well as profile.bin out of configuration.txt.
⚫ data/data_CV2X/data_CV5X directory: for external data files of AdamApp
Data directory is the only place where you can store external data files for AdamApp. Files which were placed in this directory will be copied when AdamApp is installed. This directory should be empty if you do not have data files you need to copy.
The data_CV2X directory is a directory where you can place external data files for AdamApp for ambaCV2X. The data_CV5X directory is a directory where you can place external data files for AdamApp for ambaCV5X. If you want to share it between ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X, store the external data file for AdamApp in the data directory and it will be shared. If you want to differentiate external data files for AdamApp between ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X, place them under the data_CV2X and data_CV5X directories.
If you are using the AI accelerator, place the converted binary data under the cnn directory.
⚫ external directory: for external software files used in AdamApp
Place library files (.a .so etc) and header files (.h .hpp .hxx etc) included in the external software used for AdamApp in the under external directory.
(3) Edit Makefile
Edit Makefile after you create the source files and the header files. Input required information in
the Makefile template provided. Variables are listed in the template so that you can add the required values.
Typical variables from the template are shown below. Please refer to this part to edit your Makefile.
PROG_NAME= SkeletonSampleApp
PROG_NAME is a variable for setting generated program name.
Alpha-numeral, hyphen, underscore, period can be used for the name.
Length of the name is up to 32.
SRC_FILES= skeletonSampleApp.cpp
SRC_FILES is a variable for indicating build-target source file.
Developers need to describe all build-target source files.
By the way, developers can describe both of C source files (extension is .c) and C++ source files (extension is .cpp).
ADD_LIB_PATH is a variable for setting the path of library.
Developers have to describe the only path name.
If developers need to link any libraries in addition to Adam library, please describe value (the name of library).
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_LIB_PATH).
ADD_LIBS is a variable for setting the name of linked library.
If developers need to link any libraries in addition to libraries for Adam, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_LIBS).
ADD_INCLUDE_PATH is a variable for setting include path.
If developers need to any include files in addition to include file for Adam, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_INCLUDE_PATH).
PROG_CPP_FLAGS is a variable for setting preprocessor option.
If developers need the unique preprocessor option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_DFLAGS).
PROG_CFLAGS is a variable for setting C compile option.
If developers need the unique C compile option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_CFLAGS).
PROG_CXXFLAGS+= -fno-rtti
PROG_CXXFLAGS is a variable for setting C++ compiling option.
If developers need the unique C++ compiling option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_CXXFLAGS).
Generate and place files
(1) Generate and place external data files for AdamApp
Create and place the file under skeleton_sample_app/data directory if you need to read and write on the files (e.g., parameters of threshold). The files placed under the data directory will be included in the AdamApp package. You can access these files when AdamApp is executed.
(2) Generate and place script files
AdamApp has a function to execute specified script right after its installation and update or right
before its uninstallation. Place the script that you want to execute on each occasion under
skeleton_sample_app/setup. skeleton_sample_app/setup directory can be empty if you do not have a
specific script that you want to execute.
(3) Generate configuration file
Follow the procedure indicated in the here to create a configuration file. Place the file under skeleton_sample_app/ directory by the name of configuration.text.
(4) Generate preferences file
Please refer to here to create setting value control file when using setting
value control function. Place the file under skeleton_sample_app/ directory by the name of
Building AdamApp & generate package
Build and create a package of AdamApp after creating and placing the required files for AdamApp.
(1) Read configuration file for the AdamApp execution environment and (2) Execute make
(1) Read configuration file for the building environment settings
setup_env.sh is provided as a setup file for the building environment. You can set up building
environment by reading setup_env.sh using ‘source’ command with parameter depending on execution
environment of AdamApp.
Addressable parameters are as follows:
When creating an AdamApp that runs on i-pro ambaCV2X model:
Code Block |
$ cd ${SDK_DIR}
$ source setup_env.sh ipro-ambaCV2X |
Info |
If the following message is displayed, reading of the build configuration file was successful. ***** /usr/local/linaro-aarch64-2018.08-gcc8.2/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc found. ***** |
(2) Execute make (build and generate package of AdamApp)
You will need to execute make to build and generate an AdamApp package. AdamApp package will be build and generated automatically. When it is successful, the following three files are generated within skelton_sample_app directory.
SkeletonSampleApp :
The execution program of SkeletonSampleApp
SkeletonSampleApp.zip :
The package of SkeletonSampleApp
SkeletonSampleApp.ext :
Encoded file by BASE64
Code Block |
$ cd src/adamapp/skeleton_sample_app
$ ls –CF
Makefile configuration.txt skeletonSampleApp.cpp
bin/ data/ setup/
$ make
$ ls –CF
Makefile bin/ setup/
SkeletonSampleApp* configuration.txt skeletonSampleApp.cpp
SkeletonSampleApp.ext conf/ skeltonSampleApp.d
SkeletonSampleApp.zip data/ skeltonSampleApp.o |
The descriptions of the three files mentioned above are as follows.
SkeletonSampleApp.zip :
This is a package file including bin, data, config and setup directories and is encoded by zip.
SkeletonSampleApp.ext :
This file is an encoded file of SkeltonSampleApp.zip by BASE64. Use this file if you need to specify Base64 instead of zip file when installing AdamApp to the camera. (e.g., installation using UI of commercial surveillance camera).
Format of configuration file
Configuration file contains essential information to run AdamApp. AdamApp is controlled within Adam execution environment in line with the contents of this file (e.g., at the time of installation or starting). Therefore, installation or starting of AdamApp may fail if the content in this file is incorrect. In addition, this file is also used when AdamApp is packaged, which means that you need to create this file before the execution of make to create AdamApp.
See the configuration.txt of any sample app for specific examples.
${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp/[any sample app]/configuration.txt
Each term in configuration.txt
Each item has a tag and a value as shown below.
# head of line ‘#’ means comment out
TagName Value
Add a space between TagName and Value for one or more characters, or a tab.
‘#’ placed at the beginning of a sentence means ‘comment out’ whereas, a ‘#’ in the middle of sentence
means otherwise.
Details of each tag is shown in Table 1.4.1-1. Please refer to this table to determine what character can be
used for Value for each tag. Examples are shown below.
# set of the name of execution file of AdamApp
APPLICATION SkeletonSampleApp
# set of version of AdamApp
More than one item can be selected. Example is as follows.
# set of the official name of AdamApp
APPNAME0 Sample Application
APPNAME1 サンプルアプリケーション
APPNAME5 esempio di applicazione
Following tag names can be used in the configuration file. The optionality field where ‘M (Mandatory)’ is indicated must be filled. The field can be left blank if it is not indicated as mandatory.
Table 1.4.1-1 Tags written in the configuration file
Tag name
Multi selectable
Application name related information
The name of AdamApp execution file. Write the same name as PROG_NAME variable in Makefile. Up to 256 characters using alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period.
AdamApp version information. Up to 7 characters using alpha-numeral and period.
The AdamApp official name Tag name should be a combination of APPNAME + region code. This is because an AdamApp official name supports multiple language.
e.g., APPNAME0 SampleApplication
Tag names of languages are as follows:
Please always specify APPNAME0(English). The other languages are optional. Single quote cannot be used. The number of characters is up to 32. Character code must be UTF-8
Information of release
ROM size used for AdamApp. ROM size includes not only execution file of AdamApp but also the file size stored in data directory. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values.
RAM size used for AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.
AdamApp CPU usage.
Adam App AI Accelerator utilization. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.
AI Memory size used by AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp.
Information of script file
Name of the shell script that is executed soon after the installation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.
The name of the shell script executed soon after an update. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.
Name of the shell script executed right before the uninstallation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item.
Information of license
Function ID This is a unique value for each AdamApp which is normally assigned by i-PRO Co., Ltd. This value can link AdamApp to the function ID. The ID should be 8 digit and in hex.
Info |
Use any value between 0000FF01 to 0000FFFF during the development. The ID should be different for each AdamApp. Installation error occurs if AdamApp had the same function ID with AdamApp that has been already installed. |
Sum of followings.
Size of executable file and shared libraries (sum of “text” and “data” field value obtained with the
Linux size command.)
Size of data directory.
Size of conf directory.
At first, set the same value as the sample application.
At last, set the value when running the application on the i-PRO camera.
How to see these parameters described in here.
Available ROM/RAM resources described in here.
Set the same value as the sample application.
Case of using AI accelerator
Note |
・AI accelerator is available only in AdamApp for i-pro ambaCV2X model. ・Tool(cvtool) is not included in AdamAppSDK. Please contact i-PRO Co., Ltd. if you need one. |
Accelerator (CVFlow) for AI inference process is embedded in i-pro ambaCV2X model IP camera. AdamApp can use the accelerator through a dedicated Adam API. A binary file for accelerator is needed as an input for API. Create a binary file and built it into AdamApp by the following sequence.
Convert a pre-trained AI model into a binary file for accelerator.
Create AdamApp package in accord to here in this document. Place the binary file generated in step 1 under data/cnn directory.
A tool (cvtool) to be used to process the step1 above is provided by Adam. Please see here for how to use cvtool.
Appendix A: Regarding product security
Please be aware of the following matters to ensure product security throughout the course of your development.
- Perform static analysis
- Verify vulnerability of the app.
- When using OSS, use the latest OSS or check for known vulnerabilities before using.
Appendix B: CPU and RAM available in AdamApp
The CPU usage and RAM usage available in AdamApp varies depending on i-PRO camera model. The camera will restrain AdamApp not to use CPU when CPU usage limit has been reached. AdamApp will be forced to terminate as the memory usage reaches the limit. Please access the URL for usage information for each model.
Appendix C: About development in Python
Python environment of i-PRO camera
The Python environment pre-installed to the i-PRO camera is shown below.
Interpreter : Python 3.7.9
External library : python adam module for ADAM API
Structure of the Python version AdamApp
The Python version AdamApp runs 2 threads, Main thread and Python thread as shown below.
Python scripts are usually executed on Python thread. On the other hand, callback functions such as stopCallback, httpCallback and appPrefCallback are executed on Main thread.
Main thread is created as soon as the Python version AdamApp commences. Then Python thread is created after Main thread completes initializing AdamApp. Python thread then launches Python interpreter, loads pymain.py, and executes Python scripts. Python thread will be automatically terminated once the Python script ends. This is followed by the termination of the Main thread and then AdamApp⚫ setup directory: for set-up shell script
setup directory is to store shell scripts which will be executed when installing, updating, or uninstalling AdamApp. The format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
Shell script will be executed after the environment variables listed below are passed on. Thus, you can review these environment variables within the shell script.
Install ID of AdamApp.
Directory path for AdamApp external data files.(= Data directory path)
Directory path for AdamApp temporary files.
The name of each shell script should be specified by the configuration file. Your preference of using or not using shell script can be set up for each script. Do not write a file name of the shell script for the configuration file if you are not using a shell script. (In this case, keep setup directory empty in order to save some file space)
➢ Install Script (optional)
This script is executed just after AdamApp is installed. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
➢ Update Script (optional)
This script is executed after an AdamApp has been updated. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
➢ Uninstall Script (optional)
This script is executed right before AdamApp is uninstalled. Format is based on Bourne Shell ( Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used).
For Python it is as follows. A detailed explanation is omitted because it is similar to C/C++.
Directory to store AdamApp execution program
Directory to store configuration files
Directory to store external data files for AdamApp
Directory to place Python scripts
Directory to store set-up scripts
Target Dependent Macro
This section explains target dependent macros, which represent differences of models, OSs, and so on. They are defined as macro variables and are available within source files, header files and Makefiles. You can use these macros to change implementation of AdamApp on a specific model or OS that you are using.
Macros for source file and header file
Target dependent macros for source file and header file are as follows:
Macro Name | Description |
Macro to represent the architecture (ADAM_TARGET_ARCH_XXX) | |
ADAM_TARGET_ARCH_aarch64-linux-gnu | Linux 64bit on aarch64 (For ambaCV2X) |
Macro to represent the model name (ADAM_TARGET_MODEL_XXX) | |
ADAM_TARGET_MODEL_ipro | i-pro Model |
Macro to represent the OS (ADAM_TARGET_OS_XXX) | |
ADAM_TARGET_MODEL_linux | Linux |
Macro to represent the detail platform (ADAM_TARGET_PF_XXX) | |
ADAM_TARGET_PF_ipro_ambaCV2X_linux | i-pro Model / ambaCV2X / Linux |
Macros for Makefile
Target dependent macros for Makefile are as follows:
Macro Name | Value | Description |
ADAM_TARGET_ARCH | Macro to represent the architecture | |
aarch64-linux-gnu | Linux 64bit on aarch64 (For ambaCV2X) | |
ADAM_TARGET_MODEL | Macro to represent the model name | |
ipro | i-pro Model | |
ADAM_TARGET_OS | Macro to represent the OS | |
linux | Linux | |
ADAM_TARGET_PF | Macro to represent the detail platform | |
ipro_ambaCV2X_linux | i-pro Model / ambaCV2X / Linux |
Procedure for generation of AdamApp package
The procedure to generate an AdamApp package using a sample application (SkeltonSampleApp) is discussed in this section. There are three phases to generate a package.
1.Generate source files and Makefile
Generate AdamApp source file.
2.Generate and place files
Generate files to build and run AdamApp and place them in the appropriate directories.
3.Build and generate package
Build (compile and link) AdamApp and generate a package.
Each specific method will be explained below.
Generate source file and Makefile
(1) Generate and place source files
Source files of the AdamApp must be placed in the following directory.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp
Info |
The Python source code should be placed below. <AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp-py |
Thus, source codes of the sample program (SkeltonSampleApp) should be placed in the following
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/skeleton_sample_app
When you generate new AdamApp, also generate the following directory and place the source files,
header files and Makefile in there.
<AdamAppSDK installation directory>/src/adamapp/<directory name of the new AdamApp>
It’s recommended that you copy and modify skeleton_sample_app directory to generate new
application for ease.
Info |
*For Python, we recommend using the jpeg_app directory. |
(2) Place libraries files and header files of external software. (if you use an external software)
Place library files (.a .so etc) and header files (.h .hpp .hxx etc) included in external software used for AdamApp in the external directory.
(3) Edit Makefile
Edit Makefile after you create the source files and the header files. Input required information in
the Makefile template provided. Variables are listed in the template so that you can add the required values.
Typical variables from the template are shown below. Please refer to this part to edit your Makefile.
PROG_NAME= SkeletonSampleApp
PROG_NAME is a variable for setting generated program name.
Alpha-numeral, hyphen, underscore, period can be used for the name.
Length of the name is up to 32.
SRC_FILES= skeletonSampleApp.cpp
SRC_FILES is a variable for indicating build-target source file.
Developers need to describe all build-target source files.
By the way, developers can describe both of C source files (extension is .c) and C++ source files (extension is .cpp).
ADD_LIB_PATH is a variable for setting the path of library.
Developers have to describe the only path name.
If developers need to link any libraries in addition to Adam library, please describe value (the name of library).
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_LIB_PATH).
ADD_LIBS is a variable for setting the name of linked library.
If developers need to link any libraries in addition to libraries for Adam, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_LIBS).
ADD_INCLUDE_PATH is a variable for setting include path.
If developers need to any include files in addition to include file for Adam, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_ADD_INCLUDE_PATH).
PROG_CPP_FLAGS is a variable for setting preprocessor option.
If developers need the unique preprocessor option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_DFLAGS).
PROG_CFLAGS is a variable for setting C compile option.
If developers need the unique C compile option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_CFLAGS).
PROG_CXXFLAGS+= -fno-rtti
PROG_CXXFLAGS is a variable for setting C++ compiling option.
If developers need the unique C++ compiling option for AdamApp, please describe value.
By the way, DO NOT delete pre-set value $(ADAM_CXXFLAGS).
Generate and place files
(1) Generate and place external data files for AdamApp
Create and place the file under skeleton_sample_app/data directory if you need to read and write on the files (e.g., parameters of threshold). The files placed under the data directory will be included in the AdamApp package. You can access these files when AdamApp is executed.
(2) Generate and place script files
AdamApp has a function to execute specified script right after its installation and update or right
before its uninstallation. Place the script that you want to execute on each occasion under
skeleton_sample_app/setup. skeleton_sample_app/setup directory can be empty if you do not have a
specific script that you want to execute.
(3) Generate configuration file
Follow the procedure indicated in the here to create a configuration file. Place the file under skeleton_sample_app/ directory by the name of configuration.text.
(4) Generate preferences file
Please refer to here to create setting value control file when using setting
value control function. Place the file under skeleton_sample_app/ directory by the name of
Building AdamApp & generate package
Build and create a package of AdamApp after creating and placing the required files for AdamApp.
(1) Read configuration file for the AdamApp execution environment and (2) Execute make
For detailed instructions, please see here if you are using SDK v1.71 or earlier.
If you are using SDK v1.80 or later, please refer here.
Build the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X extension apps into one file
This article explains how to combine ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X applications into one file. If there is no need to combine them into one file, there is no problem if you do not perform this. Build the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps in advance. As an example, if you build Python's sqlite_app, the following files will be generated.
Now, move to the target directory as shown below and run make pack.
Code Block |
cd ${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp-py/sqlite_app/
make pack |
If successful, the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps will be combined into one file.
The above files are available for ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X cameras.
Note |
If the ambaCV2X and ambaCV5X apps are combined into one file, the file size will increase accordingly. The app may not work if the file size is large. Please note that the file size limit varies depending on the camera model and condition. |
Format of configuration file
Configuration file contains essential information to run AdamApp. AdamApp is controlled within Adam execution environment in line with the contents of this file (e.g., at the time of installation or starting). Therefore, installation or starting of AdamApp may fail if the content in this file is incorrect. In addition, this file is also used when AdamApp is packaged, which means that you need to create this file before the execution of make to create AdamApp.
See the configuration.txt of any sample app for specific examples.
${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp/[any sample app]/configuration.txt
Each term in configuration.txt
Each item has a tag and a value as shown below.
# head of line ‘#’ means comment out
TagName Value
Add a space between TagName and Value for one or more characters, or a tab.
‘#’ placed at the beginning of a sentence means ‘comment out’ whereas, a ‘#’ in the middle of sentence
means otherwise.
Details of each tag is shown in Table 1.4.1-1. Please refer to this table to determine what character can be
used for Value for each tag. Examples are shown below.
# set of the name of execution file of AdamApp
APPLICATION SkeletonSampleApp
# set of version of AdamApp
More than one item can be selected. Example is as follows.
# set of the official name of AdamApp
APPNAME0 Sample Application
APPNAME1 サンプルアプリケーション
APPNAME5 esempio di applicazione
Following tag names can be used in the configuration file. The optionality field where ‘M (Mandatory)’ is indicated must be filled. The field can be left blank if it is not indicated as mandatory.
Table 1.4.1-1 Tags written in the configuration file
Tag name | Description | Multi selectable | Optionality | |||
Application name related information | APPLICATION | The name of AdamApp execution file. Write the same name as PROG_NAME variable in Makefile. Up to 256 characters using alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period. | M | |||
APPVERSION | AdamApp version information. Up to 7 characters using alpha-numeral and period. | M | ||||
APPNAME | The AdamApp official name Tag name should be a combination of APPNAME + region code. This is because an AdamApp official name supports multiple language. e.g., APPNAME0 SampleApplication Tag names of languages are as follows:
Please always specify APPNAME0(English). The other languages are optional. Single quote cannot be used. The number of characters is up to 32. Character code must be UTF-8 | O | M | |||
Information of release | ROMSIZE (*1) | ROM size used for AdamApp. ROM size includes not only execution file of AdamApp but also the file size stored in data directory. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values. | M | |||
RAMSIZE (*2) | RAM size used for AdamApp. Whether AdamApp can be installed or NOT is determined depending on these values. Whether AdamApp can be started or NOT is determined depending on these values when starting AdamApp. | M | ||||
CPURATE (*2) | AdamApp CPU usage. This will be used in the response of WEB API getApplicationList. | M | ||||
AIACCRATE (*3) | Adam App AI Accelerator utilization. | |||||
AIMEMSIZE (*3) | AI Memory size used by AdamApp. | |||||
Information of script file | INSTALLER | Name of the shell script that is executed soon after the installation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item. | ||||
UPDATER | The name of the shell script executed soon after an update. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item. | |||||
UNINSTALLER | Name of the shell script executed right before the uninstallation. Only in Bourne Shell format (Bourne Shell compatible ash should be used). Alpha-numeral, hyphen, under score, and period can be used. The number of characters should be within 256. When this shell script is not used, do not indicate any value or comment out this item. | |||||
Information of license | FUNCID | Function ID This is a unique value for each AdamApp which is normally assigned by i-PRO Co., Ltd. This value can link AdamApp to the function ID. The ID should be 8 digit and in hex.
| M |
Sum of followings.
Size of executable file and shared libraries (sum of “text” and “data” field value obtained with the
Linux size command.)
Size of data directory.
Size of conf directory.
At first, set the same value as the sample application.
At last, set the value when running the application on the i-PRO camera.
How to see these parameters described in here.
Available ROM/RAM resources described in here.
Set the same value as the sample application. These are not used in internal processing.
Appendix A: Regarding product security
Please be aware of the following matters to ensure product security throughout the course of your development.
- Perform static analysis
- Verify vulnerability of the app.
- When using OSS, use the latest OSS or check for known vulnerabilities before using.