Versions Compared


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Trigger Events are best thought of as a causefor an Action. Within VI MonitorPlus, Trigger Events occur as the direct result of something that has happened. Once the Event has occurred, it will be followed by an Action designated by the Administrator through the application interface.

Trigger Events can be considered as the “IF” in an “If, Then” statement (IF Trigger event occurs, THEN do this Action). When creating a Rule, the Administrator should first consider which occurring Events need to have an Action follow it.

Trigger Event Setup

In order to ensure that the Trigger Event will work as desired with the following Action, it is important to determine whether the Event needs to meet Multiple Criteria or if it requires only one Event to occur prior to said Action.

To keep things simple, it is suggested to create the first Rule with as few items as possible. Once the Rule has been successfully created, it will be easier to determine if there is a problem down the line.



  • Single Event (ANY) - IF a Camera becomes unresponsive OR a specific user logs into IP Server.

  • Multiple Events: (AND) - IF Camera becomes unresponsive AND specific user logs into IP Server.

Adding an Event

Click on Add Event to create a new Event.

This will open the Add Event window:

This is a complete interface that allows the Administrator defining all the parameters to successfully trigger a Rule for IP Server.

It shows the list of Event Types with their corresponding descriptions on the left side, and on the right side the Details for the selected Event Type, as well as the OK and Cancel buttons to confirm or reject any parameter modification.

For Click here for more details on the options and usage of the Add Event window, as well as on the Event Types.

titleList of Event Types
(click here):


Input Requirements


Access Control Event

Triggers an Access Control Entry or Alarm.

Alert Button *

Triggers when an alert button appears in the navigation tree.

Analytics *

Triggers from a supported Camera's Analytics.

Camera Down

Triggers when a specific camera or all cameras stop responding.

Digital Input *

Triggers based on external input device.

License Plates *

Triggers when a license plate is found.

SDK Input *

Triggers based on receiving data from a TCP port.

User Login

Triggers when a user logs into the IP Server.

Video Motion *

Triggers when motion is detected on a specific camera.

* Requires that the Device has the capability of the function itself. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for more information.

Removing an Event

Select the Event to be removed from the list and click on the Remove button.

On the following pop-up message, click Yes to confirm the operation.

Event Properties / Modification

Click on Properties to access the parameters of each Event.

A pop-up window will open with the settings and data according to the corresponding Type of Event, in order to be viewed or modified.

Click here for more details on the edition of parameters for each Event Type.

See Also:

Child pages (Children Display)