Released versions:


  • The image becomes pinkish. 🇨
    Occurrence frequency: High
    Occurrence condition:
    When satisfying both of the following conditions:
    - [Day & Night(IR)] is set to "Auto":
    - The camera was restarted in the following steps:
    1. Turned off in black&white mode
    2. Turned on in a bright environment

  • SFTP transmission fails depending on the SFTP server to be connected. 🇨

  • The live image may not appear, as the maximum number of users concurrently accessible to the camera decreases. 🇧
    Occurrence condition:
    When satisfying all of the following conditions:
    - Version 2.10, 2.11 or 2.20
    - [Internet mode] is set to Off by CGI command
    - H.264/H.265 transmission

  • The camera may reboot. 🇨
    Occurrence frequency: Medium
    Occurrence condition:
    When satisfying both of the following conditions:
    - AI-VMD and AI Privacy Guard are enabled on the camera
    - Take a snap shot of the target stream for AI Privacy Guard "Blurring" or "Block"

  • Noise may appear on the camera title and date/time of On-Screen Display (OSD). 🇨
    Occurrence frequency: Rare
    Occurrence condition: When performing AI Privacy Guard "Blurring" or "Block" on the image


Release date: September 30, 2022 → Updated: November 11, 2022
SDK version: V1.60

New Features / Improvements

  • Changed the company name in the GlobalSign digital certificate installed on the camera to "i-PRO Co., Ltd." 🇺

  • Supports the FTP function. 🇺 View details

  • Added the HTML initialization function. 🇺 (Added on Nov.11, 2022)
    [Load the default HTML files (setup menu).] and [Reset to the default and load the default HTML files.] have been added to the [Default reset] tab.
