
Table of Contents



AdamAppSDK (Application Development Kit for i-PRO AI Camera) works in Linux environment.

AdamAppSDK operating requirements

  • For development PC :x86_64(amd64)

  • For development OS :Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS (64bit版)
    Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS (64bit版)

  • development language :C/C++, Python

In this tutorial, assuming that the OS of the development PC is windows, explain the installation procedure of VirtualBox and Ubuntu.

If the OS of the development PC is Ubuntu, start by establishing the Preparation-for-establishing-the-SDK-development-environment.

Install VirtualBox


Download the installer

Download the VirtualBox installer from the website.


Versions to be installed in the tutorial.

  • VirtualBox 6.1.36 platform packages


Click "Windows hosts" to download the installer.

Install VirtualBox

Follow the wizard to install.

No changes are required.


Once done, Virtual Box will start.


Establish Ubuntu environment


Download image file

Download the Ubuntu Desktop image file from the website.



Installation target OS in the tutorial

  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS


Create a virtual machine

Start VirtualBox and click the "New (N)" button.


Select the virtual machine name and OS type.

  • Virtual machine name : Optional

  • OS type : Linux

  • Version : Ubuntu (64bit)


Arbitrarily allocate memory for the virtual machine. Recommended is 1024MB or more.

If you plan to use the AI model conversion tool, please make it at least 4096MB.


Create a virtual hard disk.


The hard disk file type does not need to be changed.


We recommend "Variable size" for the virtual hard disk.


Set arbitrary size.


Once complete, your virtual machine will be created.


Install Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu on the created virtual machine.

Start the created virtual machine.


Click the folder mark in the wizard that starts.


Click Add.


Select the image file you downloaded.


Click Select.


Click "Launch" to start the installation.


Set up Ubuntu

Configure Ubuntu.

Select your language and click Install Ubuntu.


Select your keyboard layout and click Continue.


Click Continue without making any changes.


Click Install without making any changes.


Click Continue.


Select your region and click Continue.


Set your login information and click Continue.


After the installation is complete, reboot the OS.


Type Enter and if it boots, you're done.


Network settings for communicating with the outside world

Configure settings for network access from outside VirtualBox. By default, NAT is set, so please use the setting as it is.

If you want VirtualBox to communicate with the Windows PC running VirtualBox, refer to the following URL and set Host only network.


This completes the environment construction of the virtualization software VirtualBox and Ubuntu.

Please continue establishing the SDK environment.

Preparation for establishing the SDK development environment
