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Table of Contents



This chapter shows how you can execute, for example, to install, start, stop or uninstall AdamApps over on i-pro.Also, this tutorial refers to the PRO camera. The SDK installation directory is listed as ${SDK_DIR}.

Executing AdamApps on i-pro

This section shows how to execute AdamApp.

Adam execution environment Considerations

Please consider the following when running the Adam execution environment.

Please be advised that you can only install encrypted AdamApp into the


Only encrypted AdamApp can be installed into i-PRO camera

sold in general. However, AdamAppSDK cannot generate encrypted AdamApp. Please request i-PRO Co., Ltd. to encrypt and install AdamApp. Unencrypted AdamApp can be installed into particular i-PRO camera using a development license.

How to set up Adam execution environment

You do not need to set up execution environment as an Adam execution environment is pre-installed on i-pro.

How to start Adam execution environment

You do not need a manual operation as the Adam execution environment and HTTP server will start automatically when i-pro is turned on.

How to operate AdamApps: Install, Start, Stop, Uninstall, etc.

You have two methods to operate AdamApp over i-pro. One is by using Adam Control Extension and another is by using an operation display of i-pro camera. Method 1 “Using Adam Control Extension“ and Method 2 “Using the operation page of i-pro Camera“ are explained below.

Method 1: Using Adam Control Extension

This section shows how to operate AdamApp (installing, starting, stopping, uninstalling and more) while the machine’s Adam execution environment is in operation.

(1) Launch Chrome browser (Chrome version 6.0 or later)

First, launch Chrome browser. User interface to operate AdamApps is provided as an extension of Chrome browser.

(2) Start Adam Control Extension

Click the "Extensions" button on the right side of the address bar in Chrome and click "Adam application manager for i-pro".


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(3) Connect with Adam execution environment

Enter the IP address of the camera in Target and click the Connect button.


However, you cannot connect to the camera unless you are logged in to the camera.

If you cannot connect, enter the camera's IP address (eg in the browser URL as shown below, and click the "Connect" button while logged into the camera.


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(4) Install AdamApp

Select an AdamApp to install.


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Finish installation.


(5) Start AdamApp


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(6) Stop AdamApp


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(7) Update AdamApp


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(8) Uninstall AdamApp


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Method 2: Using the operation page of i-pro Camera

(1) Open a browser (Internet Explorer 7 or later)

Open Internet Explore to install AdamApps. The operation page is supported by Internet Explorer 7 or later.

(2) Access the extended software operation page

Access the following URL to install AdamApps to i-pro.

<http://<IP Address of i-pro>/admin/setup_ext_software.html

The operating page appears once you access the URL.


(3) Install AdamApp

The installation will begin by selecting an AdamApp you want to install and click “Execute”.


The following page appears when the installation completes.


(4) Start AdamApp

To start an AdamApp, turn on “Operation content” in the “Operation sched.” in “”, or execute “” script from command line. AdamApp SDK comes with Adam Control Extension and “” to start AdamApp.

Please refer to “Method 1: Using Adam Control Extension“ when using Adam Control Extension

on the market.

Non-encrypted app can be installed only for cameras that you have requested development license for the camera.

Please visit here to request encryption or development license.

There are 3 methods to install app to camera

  1. Camera web browser is easy way for one camera.

  2. Developer tool “Adam control extension” is also easy way, but this is only for developer.

  3. i-PRO Configuration Tool (iCT) is useful when user wants to install or update app for multiple cameras at the same time.

1. Camera web browser


(1) Access the camera using web browser, http://<ip>.

(2) Move to configuration page [Ext software] - [Software mng.].

(3)Choose File and Execute


(4)Installed app will be appeared with uninstall button.


(5) Start and stop AdamApp

Installed app will start and stop automatically according to “Operation sched.” configuration.

Default is always running.


In addition, AdamApp SDK provides script “” to start AdamApp and “” to stop it.

A shell script must be executed as indicated below when using “ shell script. Note that there are macro variables at the beginning of script that specify the information of the surveillance camera. Please set up these variables with the IP address (IPRO_ADDR), the username (IPRO_USER) and the password (IPRO_PASSWD) before the execution.

Code Block
$ cd ${SDK_DIR}/tool/adamapp
$ ./startAdamApp <AdamApp’s FuncID (in decimal)>
##### AdamApp Information #####
##### start application result #####

(5) Stop AdamApp


Please refer to “Method 1: Using Adam Control Extension“ when using Adam Control Extension. A shell script must be executed as indicated below when using “ shell script. Note that there are macro variables at the beginning of script that specify the information of the surveillance camera. Please set up these variables with the IP address (IPRO_ADDR), the username (IPRO_USER) and the password (IPRO_PASSWD) before the execution.

Code Block
$ cd ${SDK_DIR}/tool/adamapp
$ ./stopAdamApp <AdamApp’s FuncID (in decimal)>
##### AdamApp Information #####
##### stop application result #####

2. Adam Control Extension (Google Chrome extension tool)


(1) Open Google Chrome (version 6) Uninstall AdamApp

i-pro camera has interface for uninstalling AdamApp. Please access following URL for AdamApp operation page.

<http://<IP Address of i-pro>/admin/setup_ext_software.html

The following screen appears as you access the URL. Start uninstallation by clicking “Uninstall”.


The following screen appears once the uninstallation completes.


How to stop Adam execution environment

No operation is needed to stop Adam execution environment as the environment as well as HTTP server will be automatically terminated when i-pro is turned off..0 or later), acceess to camera(http://<ip>) and login in advance.

(2) Click the "Extensions" button on the right side of the address bar in Chrome and click "Adam application manager for i-pro".


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(3) Connect with Adam execution environment

Enter the IP address of the camera and click the Connect button.

When you cannot connect, please do step (1), access to the camera in advance.


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(4) Install AdamApp

Select an AdamApp to install.


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Finish installation.


(5) Start AdamApp


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(6) Stop AdamApp


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(7) Update AdamApp


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(8) Uninstall AdamApp


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3. i-PRO Configuration Tool


Download from i-PRO Configuration Tool from .

Please refer to the manual for basic usage.

(1)Detect cameras on the network

(2)From the menu [Ext. Software Management]- [App. installation/Update], select cameras that you want to install app, select Partner Applications on right side, select app file and Start.
