Released versions:


  • Corrected an issue where detection frames did not appear on Genetec Security Center. 🇨
    Occurrence condition: When firmware version of the camera is 2.50.

  • Issue when using AI On-site Learning with this application:
    - Corrected an issue where detection frames of People/Vehicle/Bicycle might not appear on the demo screen, on rare occasion. 🇨

  • Issues when using AI Processing Relay with this application: 🇨
    - Corrected an issue where the live image might not appear on the setting window. 🇨
    - Corrected an issue where this application might not start on the X-series AI cameras*. 🇨
    *WV-X15700-V2LN / X15600-V2LN / X15500-V3LN / X15300-V3LN / X15700-V2L / X15600-V2L / X15500-V3L / X15300-V3L / X25700-V2LN / X25600-V2LN / X25500-V3LN / X25300-V3LN / X22700-V2L / X22600-V2L / X22500-V3L / X22300-V3L



  • Mask area does not work properly 🇨 (Added on Oct., 31, 2022)
    Occurrence condition: Version 3.00 of this extension software
