Enter “registryCredentials” in the above file as follows. "Container Registry Name" is the "Registry Name" of Azure Portal in lower case (same as the string before .azurecr.io in "Login Server").Code Block "registryCredentials": { "[container registry name]": { "username": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_[container registry name]", "password": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_[container registry name]", "address": "[login server]" } }
For example, if the container registry name is “iprocv5xcontainerregistry” and the container registry login server is “iprocv5xcontainerregistry.azurecr.io”, it will be as follows.
Enter “repository” in the above file as follows.Code Block "repository": "[login server]/test_app"
If the container registry login server is "iprocv5xcontainerregistry.azurecr.io", it will be as follows.
Create an .env file in the directory, write the container registry user name and password, and save it.Code Block CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_[container registry name]=[user name] CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_[container registry name]=[password]
An example is shown below.
Coding the app