Table of contents


Table of Contents



Here we will explain the steps to build the iPRO Camera SDK app using the Azure IoT Edge container and check its operation. Also, in this tutorial, the SDK installation directory is described as ${SDK_DIR}.


This tutorial only supports SDK ver.2.00 or later. Please note that it cannot be used with SDK ver.2.00 or lower.

Operation confirmation procedure


Create a new IoT Edge Solution on Visual Studio Code

The following describes the case where the sample app to be referenced is skeleton_sample_app for the C version, additional_info_sample_app for the Python version, and test_app for the Edge Solution to be created. Please note that the Edge Solution name must be in all lowercase letters.

Description of C version/Python version application


The operation confirmation method for both the C version and Python version of the application is almost the same. I will explain using the C version as an example, and the different parts will be explained as appropriate. Also, the application path is as follows, so please read it as appropriate.

C version app path

Python version app path


  • ${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\container\deployment.template.json
    Enter “registryCredentials” in the above file as follows. "Container Registry Name" is the "Registry Name" of Azure Portal in lower case (same as the string before in "Login Server").

    Code Block
    "registryCredentials": {
      "[container registry name]": {
        "username": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_[container registry name]",
        "password": "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_[container registry name]",
        "address": "[login server]"

    For example, if the container registry name is “iprocv5xcontainerregistry” and the container registry login server is “”, it will be as follows.


  • ${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\container\modules\test_app\module.json
    Enter “repository” in the above file as follows.

    Code Block
    "repository": "[login server]/test_app"

    If the container registry login server is "", it will be as follows.

  • ${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\container
    Create an .env file in the directory, write the container registry user name and password, and save it.

    Code Block
    CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_[container registry name]=[user name]
    CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_[container registry name]=[password]

    An example is shown below.



Coding the app

Now code as you like on Visual Studio Code. If you copy skeleton_sample_app etc., the source file name will be the one before copying (skeletonSampleApp.cpp for skeleton_sample_app), so please rename it if necessary. Below is an example.


Code Block
PROG_NAME= SkeletonSampleApp

APPLICATION	SkeletonSampleApp



Build the app

When building, use the built-in functionality of the Azure IoT extension. In Visual Studio Code's Explorer Right-click on "${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\container\deployment.template.json" to display the build menu.


The build is done by running Docker buildx build as described in the Dockerfile.arm64v8 file located under “${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\”. The environment name (arm64v8) after Dockerfile. is the architecture selected in the above step. (You can see the current architecture at the bottom of Visual Studio Code)


Check the built image

If the build is successful, you can check the existence of the image with docker images. Below is an example.

Code Block
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                                             TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE  0.0.5-arm64v8   f1772ccfed77   35 minutes ago   91.4MB


Deploy to camera

Select the device you want to deploy from under "AZURE IOT HUB" in the bottom left, right-click and select "Deploy to one IoT Edge" to deploy it to the camera. What to deploy Follows "${SDK_DIR}\src\adamapp\test_app\container\deployment.template.json".


Deployment Succeeded is displayed, the deployment is successful.


Check runtime status on Azure

Log in to the Azure portal(Cloud Computing Services | Microsoft Azure) and select the IoT Edge device you added on the IoT Hub - IoT Edge screen.



The runtime status will be "Error" for a while after deployment. It takes time to become "running". However, the amount of time required to become "running" depends on the app.

Check the operation of the app

Access the URL below with a PC that can connect to the camera.


You can check the app operation as below. Below is an example of running skeleton_sample_app.


Checkpoints if things don't work in the WSL environment


If it does not work in WSL environment, please check the following.
