Checkpoints if things don't work in the WSL environment
If it does not work in WSL environment, please check the following.
The following must be enabled in the Visual Studio Code "LOCAL" extension
Dev Containers
Remote - SSH, Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration FIles, Remote - Tunnels, Remote Development, Remote Explorer
The following must be enabled in Visual Studio Codeの「WSLCode's "WSL: UBUNTU-20.04 」の拡張機能で以下が有効になっていること" extension:
Azure Account
Azure IoT Edge
Azure IoT Hub
Visual Studio Codeの画面左下が「WSL"WSL: Ubuntu-20.04」と表示されていること
Build IoT Edge Solutionでpermission denied と表示される場合、対象のディレクトリに現在のユーザーのアクセス権があるかどうか確認する。.04" is displayed at the bottom left of the Visual Studio Code screen.
If permission denied is displayed in Build IoT Edge Solution, check whether the current user has access rights to the target directory.
を実行して所有者を変更。Code Block sudo chown -r ipro:ipro [開発ディレクトリdevelopment directory] ※ipro:ipro は例ですので、各環境に合わせて設定ください。
is an example, so please set it according to each environment.
Run the above to change the owner.