Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Also, this tutorial refers to the SDK installation directory as ${SDK_DIR}.

Directory structure of development environment


Directory structure of AdamAppSDK is as follows.

${SDK_DIR}/ Top directory

bin/ Directory for Adam execution program

build_config/ Directory for rule files for make

conf/ Directory for configuration information

external/ Directory for open source library files for AdamApp

include/ Directory for header files for AdamApp

lib/ Directory for library files for AdamApp

src/ Directory for source files for AdamApp

tool/ Directory for tools

www/ Directory for HTML files for operation of Adam (Not used)

sdk_version.txt Text file described version of AdamSDK Script file for configuration of make

Details of each directory/file are discussed in the next section.


include: Directory of header files of AdamApp

The following header files which are required for generation of AdamApp are placed in include directory.

AdamType.h Types of Adam are defined

AdamApi.h API for AdamApp is defined


lib: Directory of libraries for AdamApp

The following library files which are required for generation of AdamApp are placed in lib directory. / libadam_common.a

Adam common library: common library for Adam processes / libadam.a
AdamApp API library: described API for AdamApp

Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.


Library for i-pro ambaCV2X model.


src: Directory of source files of AdamApp

Source files of AdamApp are placed in src directory. You could generate sub-directories and place source
files in them.skelton_sample_app directory is located in src directory as a sample for you to understand
how to place source files with ease. It is easier if you copy this sample directory and create a source file
within the copied directory to create a building environment.
In addition, sample applications are stored under skelton_sample_app directory which can be used for
actual building of an environment with ease. Use this samples as references for how to use AdamApp
API. Directory structure of src and skeleton_sample_app is as follows.

${SDK_DIR}/src/adamapp/ common configuration file for make common rule file for make



bin/ for execution program of AdamApp

conf/ for configuration information

data/ for data files of AdamApp

external/ for external software files using in AdamApp

setup/ for setup script files

Makefile Makefile

configuration.txt configuration file

skeletonSampleApp.cpp sample source file


bin: Directory of Adam execution program

Bin files which are required for execution of AdamApp are placed in bin directory. Execution programs provided are listed below.

adamCore : Adam Core program
adam.cgi : Adam CGI program, which is called by HTTP server
sdkCam : sdkCAM program

Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.


i686-linux-gnu/ Binary for execution on PC (32 bit version)

X86_64-linux-gnu/ Binary for execution on PC (64 bit version)


build_config: Directory of basic setting file for build

Make rule file which is required for AdamApp building is placed in build_config directory. You normally
don’t need to edit the files in this directory unless you want to change the existing make rule.

tool: Directory for tools

The tools for creating or executing Adam related files, such as a tool to generate Adam configuration data or a script file to launch Adam, are placed in tool directory.

adamapp_configurator A script that generates configuration data out of the configuration file. A script to start and stop httpd Start Adam script Stop Adam script


external: Directory of Open Source library used for AdamApp

Open Source library files which are required AdamApp building are placed in external directory. Please
refer to adamappsdk/external/license for the available Open Source.
Note that separate library file must be used in accordance with the execution environment. Directories
for each execution environment and library files for them are provided.

Location of Open Source license files in external directory

Library for i-pro ambaCV2X model.


sdk_version.txt: version file of SDK

Version information of iPRO_CAMERA_SDK in sdk_version.txt. setting file is provided as an environment setup file for building.

Packaging format of AdamApp
