Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of contents


Table of Contents



A schematic diagram is shown below.


How to Manage Parameters


Application parameter setting sequence


Application stopping state


Application running state


Data type of parameters


Boolean: logical data type
Represented by either “TRUE” or “FALSE”

Integer: integral data type
Signed 64-bit integral data
The range of value is from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
0, 12345, -9876543

String: character data type
Less than 1023 characters
UTF-8 characters
Escape character is available(however, you must insert ‘¥’ before escape characters)
“ABC xyz 012”, “¥/123456¥”abcd”

Enumeration: enumerated data type
Consists of a set of named values
Available named values are same as String data type
The value needs more than one character
The character must not be duplicated
definition:[“Item0”, “Item1”, “Item2”, “Item3”], value:“Item0”, “Item1”
definition:[“¥/123456¥”abcd”, “ABC xyz 123”, “”], value:“¥/123456¥”abcd”

Binary: Binary data type
String data of Base64 encoded binary data
Size limit is 32KB.(Exceeded data will be discarded)
Bitmap Image, feature vector

Access Permission of Parameters


Restricting access for each parameter

appApiAccess:access permit setting from AdamApp API
Able to Read/Write parameters from AdamApp API
Only able to Read parameters from AdamApp API (unable to write parameters)

webApiAccess:access permit setting from WebAPI
Able to Read/Write parameters from WEBAPI
Only able to Read parameters from WEB API ( unable to write parameters )
Unable to either Read nor Write parameters from WEBAPI

Parameter File Format


Parameter definition file (PrefDefFile:appPrefs.json)

"preferenceVersion" :{"major":"1", "minor":"1"},

"preference": [ {"prefName" :"Pref0",
"prefType" :"Boolean",
"appApiAccess" :"ReadWrite",
"webApiAccess" :"ReadWrite",
"defaultValue" :"TRUE" },

{"prefName" :"Pref1",
"prefType" :"Integer",
"appApiAccess" :"Read",
"webApiAccess" :"None",
"defaultValue" :"0"} ,

{"prefName" :"Pref2",
"prefType" :"String",
"defaultValue" :"This is a ¥"String¥"."} ,

{"prefName" :"Pref3",
"prefType" :"Enumeration",
"enumerationList" : ["Item0", "Item1", "Item2"],
"defaultValue" :"Item0"} ,

{"prefName" :"Pref4",
"prefType" :"Binary",
"defaultValue" :" YWJjZGVmZWZn"}


Explain parameter definition file.


Size Limitation of Parameter Files


Maximum Parameter Definition File(PrefDefFile:appPrefs.json) size is 64KB.
※the file size is checked when Application Package is installed. (it returns preference error if the definition file size exceeds 64KB)


Boolean type:size of prefName + 154 + size of value(true(4)/false(5))+ size of defaultValue(true(4)/false(5))+ size of webApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4)/None(4)) + size of appApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4))

Integer type:size of prefName + 154 + size of value + size of defaultValue+ size of webApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4)/None(4)) + size of appApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4))

String type:size of prefName + 153 + size of value + size of defaultValue+ size of webApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4)/None(4)) + size of appApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4))

Enumeration型:size of prefName + 193 + size of value + size of defaultValue+ (size of named Value + 17) * Number of Enumeration List+ size of webApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4)/None(4)) + size of appApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4))

Binary type:size of prefNam + 153 + size of value + size of defaultValue+ size of webApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4)/None(4)) + size of appApiAccess(ReadWrite(9)/Read(4))

Size of Parameter Saved File: each parameter size + 109 + size of majorVersion + size of minorVersion+ number of escape characters

How to Update Application Parameters


Compare preferenceVersion of Installed Application(A) and that of update package(B)


preferenceVersion is replaced by (B) when updated.

How to Restore Parameters


Making a comparison between The preferenceVersion of Installed Application(A) and the preferenceVersion of restore file(B)


preferenceVersion does not change after the restoration

API Specification


For the WebAPI specification, please refer to AdamWebAPI(AdamWebAPI_Specification_Vx_xx.pdf).

For the AppAPI specification, please refer to AdamAppAPI(AdamAppAPI_Specification_Vx_xx.pdf).

API List for AdamApp


Parameter Getting API

E_ADAM_ERR ADAM_AppPref_GetBoolean(const char* pPrefName, bool* pValue);
E_ADAM_ERR ADAM_AppPref_GetInteger(const char* pPrefName, int64_t* pValue);
E_ADAM_ERR ADAM_AppPref_GetString(const char* pPrefName, char* pValue, unsigned int size);
E_ADAM_ERR ADAM_AppPref_GetEnumeration(const char* pPrefName, unsigned int* pValue);
E_ADAM_ERR ADAM_AppPref_GetBinary(const char* pPrefName, unsigned char* pValue,
unsigned int size);


typedef void (T_ADAM_NOTIFY_APP_PREF_UPDATE_HANDLER)(char const pPrefName[], const
unsigned int prefSize);
typedef struct ST_ADAM_SYSTEM_HANDLERS {
T_ADAM_STOP_HANDLER m_stopHandler;

Parameter File Format


Parameter Definition File(PrefDefFile : appPrefs.json)

"preferenceVersion": {"major":"1", "minor":"1"},
"preference":[{"prefName" :"Pref0",
"prefType" :"Boolean",
"appApiAccess" :"ReadWrite",
"webApiAccess" :"ReadWrite",
"defaultValue" :"TRUE" },

{"prefName" :"Pref1",
"prefType" :"Integer",
"appApiAccess" :"Read",
"webApiAccess" :"None",
"defaultValue" :"0"} ,

{"prefName" :"Pref2",
"prefType" :"String",
"appApiAccess" :"Read",
"webApiAccess" :"Read",
"defaultValue" :"ABC"} ,

{"prefName" :"Pref3",
"prefType" :"Enumeration",
"enumerationList" :
["Item0", "Item1", "Item2"]
"defaultValue" :"Item0"} ,
