TensorFlow Op Type | TensorFlow Function | Comments |
MatMul, BatchMatMulV2 | tf.linalg.matmul tf.matmul | adjoint_a, adjoint_b, a_is_sparse, b_is_sparse not supported |
AvgPool | tf.nn.avg_pool |
MaxPool | tf.nn.max_pool |
Conv2D | tf.nn.conv2d | Filter has to be constant |
DepthwiseConv2dNative | tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d |
Conv2DBackpropInput | tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input | Assumptions:
Conv2DBackpropFilter | tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_filter | Assumptions:
LRN | tf.nn.local_response_normalization |
Softmax | tf.nn.softmax |
Reshape | tf.reshape | Pre- and Post- transpose ops are added in case reshape involves depth dim |
Sigmoid | tf.sigmoid |
Tanh | tf.nn.tanh |
| tf.nn.atrous_conv2d | Expands to SpaceToBatchND-> Conv2D -> BatchToSpaceND |
SpaceToBatchND | tf.space_to_batch_nd | [SpaceToBatchND -> Conv2D -> BatchToSpaceND] works |
BatchToSpaceND | tf.batch_to_space_nd | [SpaceToBatchND -> Conv2D -> BatchToSpaceND] works |
Const | tf.constant |
Placeholder | tf.placeholder |
Max | tf.reduce_max | keepdims supported using transpose node |
Min | tf.reduce_min | keepdims supported using transpose node |
Sum | tf.reduce_sum | keepdims supported using transpose node |
Prod | tf.reduce_prod | keepdims supported using transpose node |
Mean | tf.reduce_mean | keepdims supported using transpose node |
Squeeze | tf.squeeze | axis parameter not supported |
BatchNorm | tf.nn.batch_normalization |
FusedBatchNorm | tf.nn.fused_batch_norm |
Relu | tf.nn.relu |
Elu | tf.nn.elu |
Relu6 | tf.nn.relu6 |
LeakyRelu | tf.nn.leaky_relu |
Concat | tf.concat |
ConcatV2 | tf.concatv2 |
Add | tf.add |
BiasAdd | tf.nn.bias_add |
AddN | tf.addn |
Sub | tf.subtract |
Abs | tf.abs |
Neg | tf.negative |
Ceil | tf.ceil |
Floor | tf.floor |
Exp | tf.exp |
Log | tf.log |
Reciprocal | tf.reciprocal |
Pow | tf.pow |
Mul | tf.multiply |
Square | tf.square |
Sqrt | tf.sqrt |
Rsqrt | tf.rqrt |
Div | tf.div |
TrueDiv | tf.truediv |
RealDiv | tf.realdiv |
Divide | tf.divide |
Maximum | tf.maximum |
Minimum | tf.minimum |
Pad, MirrorPad | tf.pad | Limited support. |
Transpose | tf.transpose | conjugate = True not supported |
ResizeBilinear | tf.image.resize_bilinear |
ResizeNearestNeighbor | tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor | align_corners = True not supported half_center_pixels = True not supported |
Resamp | tf.contrib.resampler |
Slice | tf.slice | begin and size dtype int64 not supported |
StridedSlice | tf.strided_slice |
Split, SplitV | tf.split | only "num_split" attr is supported |
ArgMin | tf.argmin |
ArgMax | tf.argmax |
OneHot | tf.one_hot |
SquaredDifference | tf.squared_difference |
Pack | tf.stack |
Unpack | tf.unstack |
Range | tf.range |
ClipByValue | tf.clip_by_value |
ScatterND | tf.scatter_nd | Duplicate indices values will be overwritten to the last index value. |
Gather | tf.gather | Only axis = 0 is supported |
| tf.nn.l2_normalize | Expands to math operators |
TopKV2 | tf.math.top_k |
Cast | tf.dtypes.saturate_cast | tf.cast might fail. |
ZerosLike | tf.zeros_like |
OnesLike | tf.ones_like |
Tile | tf.tile |
Softplus | tf.math.softplus |
Identity | tf.identity |
ExpandDims | tf.expand_dims |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs | tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_args |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars | tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars |
Shape | tf.Shape |
CheckNumerics | tf.check_numerics |
NoOp | tf.no_op |
Assert | tf.Assert |
Mish |
Swish |
Sign | tf.math.sign |
Level Curve | Custom op |
FloorMod | tf.math.floormod |
Tensorflow Lite
Support version